Thursday, December 05, 2024

It's Here

As I have mentioned previously I live in S. W. Ontario, sandwiched between Lake Erie and Lake Huron.  At the beginning of Winter both lakes are still open water as it has not been cold enough for them to start freezing over.   When the North/West wind blows  over Lake Huron it picks up moisture from the lake and the cold temps change the moisture to snow, lots of snow.  This snow is formed into streamers blowing over the countryside, if you live under a streamer you can be sure of lots of snow.    If you live a distance away from the streamers, you might still have green grass and not a flake to be seen.  

That is what has been happening in S. W Ontario for the last few days.  "L" a city less that 20 kms from me has had so much snow, traffic has come to a stand still, schools closed, air port cancelled flights,  cars and trucks ending up in the ditches,  and police closing roads because the conditions are too bad for anyone to be on the roads, even the snow removal equipment.   However, where I live, not a single snow flake could be found.   

Last night, however, we did receive 4 or 5 cm  and it is very windy.    At 10:45 am the temp is -6*C and when the wind chill in factored in it feels more like -13*C.   Time to get the Winter wear out.

DD2 worked today and had to travel to the city "L" early this morning, after my call to her, she was safe and sound at work.   We are always Mother's no matter how old you children are.  

On Monday we are forecast rain, depending on how much we get, we could be into a messy commute on the roads again.  

Yesterday, the quilting guild had our December pot luck lunch meeting.   Lots of lovely food,  yes I ate way too much,  lots of laughs and fun from a game we played and some beautiful show and tell.

We donate quilts throughout the year so, at the meeting all of the members were randomly picked into couples.   Each couple chose the colours of the block we are to make and the month in which the block was to be handed in.   C and I were paired, we chose brown, teal and cream for the colours of our block to be made and handed in at the January meeting.  When we have all of the blocks we put them together, quilt and bind the quilt.   We also are responsible for an activity of some kind and a light lunch of some goodies and a drink at the January meeting.  Each paired couple does the same. so at the end of the year we end up with 12 quilts which have been donated.  

On Friday, depending on the weather I will be having lunch with my DIL and happy hour in the evening upstairs.   Saturday is the Secret Santa/pizza party upstairs.  

Have a great day.



  1. Lovely to be eating out with friends. Your new home seems to be in a very convivial building.

  2. The snow that way is crazy. I'm in Eastern Ontario and have barely a bit.


The world of white

In the city where I live we have been fortunate to receive only light dustings of snow, compared to places further north of me.  However, th...