Saturday, November 30, 2024

It is officially Winter

In my opinion, if it snows and it is cold, it's Winter.

Where I live we have had light snow on and off most of the day, no accumulation as the ground is still quite warm.  Just glad I live where I do as further north of me they have had over a meter of snow, with more to come.

The temp is hovering around the -4*C mark but with the wind blowing it feels more like -18*C.  This is hot soup weather, that is what is cooking in my kitchen at the moment.

I never look forward to winter, it dreary and cold and it seems to last forever.   The winter forecasts I read all say something different. It could be cold and snowing or it could be a mild winter.  We get just what is coming our way and we can do nothing about it, just hope for Spring.

The month of November has flown by as I have been busy with one thing or another, and the calendar for December it looking much the same. 

My two daughters were here for lunch yesterday and we were discussing a trip in the Spring,  So that is nice to look forward to.

Physical and massage therapy is helping my neck get back into shape, however, still waiting for an appointment with an ENT Dr. regarding my ear and the fact I cannot smell.  Two Dr's have declined a referral from my family Dr.  A referral has now been forwarded to another Dr., so the waiting begins again.  Other than that I am well and doing fine.

December 1st tomorrow, so it's time to start putting up some Christmassy stuff and also do what Christmas gift shopping I do. 

 No Christmas cards have been sent this year as it does not appear they will get to their destination as our postal service is on strike, and have been for three weeks now.

Well that soup must been done by now.

Have a great day.


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