Monday, September 30, 2024

Where did September go

 It is hard to believe this is the last day of September where has this month has gone.  

On Friday, some fellow quilters and I went to a quilt show and lunch, a nice day with friends.  Home just in time to prepare my contribution for the pot luck dinner where I live.   Delicious food as always.

Today is my eldest daughters birthday, and I went with some of her family on Saturday for a nice dinner to help her celebrate.   The restaurant served a large selection of dishes, the ever present burgers and pasta.   I decided to have meal loaf, it was the best I have ever had, served with fluffy mashed potatoes and seasonal veg and bourbon flavoured gravy.  It was a large plateful,  too much for one meal, so I will have my "doggy bag" heated up for dinner tonight.

Yesterday, I went to an "Art in the Park" display of all kinds of crafty items.  Nice to look at, however, nothing really struck my fancy, so no purchases.  The person I went with then invited me to dinner.

Today, is the start of eating healthier again.

We certainly know it is Autumn, as soon as September 21st arrived the weather changed overnight.  No hot humid days of sunshine anymore. Nice days of sun, however, it does not have the heat in it for early morning and the evening any more.  The sun arrives a lot later than it did and then leaves earlier, I do not like the early dark evenings. The leaves are starting to change colour,  and the wild flowers are looking as if their days are numbered.  Today, we have some sunshine, so an afternoon walk will be on my agenda for today.

Last week I had my final CAT scan on my skull to check the blood clot I had from my accident.   Today I received a reply from the scan and all is clear, which was certainly good news to read.  

Quilt meeting on Wednesday, and I have some items to put the finished touches on, so better finish this and get in the sewing room.

Have a great day


1 comment:

  1. Good news, indeed. I am sure you are very relieved. Enjoy your quilting - I really admire your talent!


Where did September go

 It is hard to believe this is the last day of September where has this month has gone.   On Friday, some fellow quilters and I went to a qu...