Monday, May 31, 2021

Leaking bathroom

This morning we discovered a leaking pipe in our downstairs bathroom, plumber is currently on his way.  Thank goodness he is an essential service, or we would be in some real  problems.  Hubby is just not able to repair it.  

We have a mix of sun and cloud and it is still cool, but warmth is coming later this week.

We had a very lazy day yesterday, so not much to write about today.  Except.

My granddaughter, K  posted on her Facebook  today. -------------

"So excited to announce, starting today I will be attending Carleton University where I will be pursuing my Masters of Science (MSc) in Biology.

Studying the root microbiome of Arabidopsis adaptations of plants under environmental stress.    My end goal is to apply this to crop plants in order to improve crop productivity and agricultural security."

So, so proud of her.   

Her sister will be 19 years of age June 5th, and in September will be starting her journey to become a pilot. 

So proud of her.

It makes we wonder,  and then I don't want to think,  "what would their lives have been if they had not adopted".

That's it for me today.

Saturday, May 29, 2021

Sun is back

After yesterday's dreary day  of  3/4 inch of rain and wind, we are back into sunshine, however, it is still cold.   Warmer days are coming so the forecast indicates.

Saturday, laundry currently twisting and turning in the washing machine and dryer.  In about an hour that will be all taken care of and put away.  After finishing this post, some housework needs to be done, you know the usual jobs, dusting, tidying up, watering house plants etc. etc.  Woman's work is never done.  By that time it will be lunchtime and after lunch I am in my sewing room, did not get there yesterday, for some reason or other.  

Should also think about dinner, how does BBQ ribs, baked potato with sour cream and chives, broccoli and cole slaw sound.   Also, thinking about making a peach pie with vanilla ice cream.  Oh!! my goodness I am hungry already.  So dinner all taken care, well the thinking part of it is.    

We have a robin building her nest on the down spout of the house, just on the other side of the side awning on the balcony.  Can't wait to hear the chirping of the little ones when she brings in their food.  That won't be for a little while yet, though. 

The garden is looking a lot better now it has had a good drink of water.  Unfortunately the weeds also like the rain too, but the ground is just a bit to damp for getting out there to pull them, plus it is too cold for me to be comfortable.  There are days coming soon which will make it a little nicer to be outside working.  That is my excuse for today and I am sticking to it.

Well that laundry is calling me, so better get at it.

Have a wonderful day.

Friday, May 28, 2021

It's not chilly any more it's COLD

 Rain, wind and temp only 6*C when we got up this morning.  Such a big difference from a week ago when we were suffering from the heat and humidity so that it felt like 34*C.  

Cannot really complain we need the rain as we have not had any for a long time, we have had showers but not the soaking  rain which we are getting at the moment which is doing a lot of good.

Not much happening around here today,  due to the fact I seem to lack energy on these dull dreary days.

Had a great Zoom meeting with the quilting guild last night, we are hoping that by Sept. we will be able to have an outside in person meeting when the numbers of people that can gather increases over and above  the 10 people which will be allowed in the middle of June.

I am so tired of this pandemic, usually I am upbeat but finding my "up"  is becoming harder and harder to muster and these rainy days don't help.  I do not consider myself depressed, by the way, just down.

The spaghettis and meat sauce we had for dinner last night we really good, we have enough sauce left over for at least another meal, if not two.  Have not decided on what's for dinner tonight, but thinking it will be fish and tomorrow use some of the meat sauce for another meal and then freeze the rest.

This is definitely going to be a sewing day today, my sewing room is my happy place, making something pretty out of pieces of fabric makes me feel good.

Hope you have a great day, cannot believe it is Friday again.


Thursday, May 27, 2021


 Yesterday's rain took all of the humidity out of the air, and it cooled down very quickly, all windows closed before we went to bed and during the night the furnace came on, which was very welcomed when we crawled out of bed.   Only 8*C outside when we got up this morning, but the promise of blue skies and sunshine, before we get some more rain tomorrow.

Even though it rained  for quite a long time yesterday, we only got 3\4 of an inch in the rain gauge.  Along with the rain tomorrow, the ground should be well watered and encourage the farmers crops and my garden to grown.  Everything seems to do so much better in the garden when it is watered with the rain, as apposed to the hose pipe water.  It must be the chemicals which are put in it to make it safe to drink.

I have a love hate relationship with Summer, I love the sunshine and being outside without having to bundle up in layers of clothing to keep me warm.  I hate it because of the bugs, the black flies seem to have had their "season" and now we are into mosquitoes.  They love me, seek me out and bite.  I have welts of red spots on my arms at the present time.  Antihistamine tablets and spray keep the uncomfortable itching at bay.  Gardening needs to be done during the day, when evening starts to close in they come out in droves and find me.  Hubby can be out for hours and not get one single bite.  Why do they love me?  Good blood, bad blood? I wish I knew.  Do biting bugs like you?   

This afternoon I have an appointment at the hearing clinic for a consultation on the possibility of getting new hearing aids.  The ones I have currently are 6 1/2 years old, way past their life expectancy, adjustments have been made over those years,  but I suspect they cannot be adjusted any more.  I hope to be able to get a pair that eliminate the background noise more than the ones in use now.  Plus, they are not cheap,  but the Ontario Health  Insurance Plan (OHIP) and the extra health plan I have should cover half of the cost.  

Tonight is my quilting guild's Zoom meeting, so looking forward to that.  Hopefully, we will soon have an in person meeting, as it has been a long time since that happened.  

Dinner tonight spaghetti bolognese  and ceasar  salad.  Dessert ??

Wednesday, May 26, 2021


After days and days of promised rain, which incidentally did not happen, this morning we have showers, and it is cooler.  The air smells of damp soil and it is not as heavy with the humidity.  We will have a rude awakening tomorrow, because a cold front is approaching and the high temp for the day is predicted to be 15*C.  The last few days it has been in the low 30's *C and feeling even hotter with the humidity.   Ho Hum,,,, ,Canadian weather for sure.   

We have two hanging baskets of flowers on the balcony, as we were eating out lunch yesterday, I heard a little cracking sound, but thought nothing of it, as the tree branches are forever doing that in the breeze.  Then there was another and one of the baskets fell to the ground, smashing the base of the pot, but not harming the plants.  The heavy hanging rope we had been using broke.  To hang the plant back up again, we needed a new pot, having none, I went to the garden center to see if they had another I could purchase.  They did, however, they were not the same colour.   As Hubby and I are perfectionist to a degree  the pots had to match, so to solve the problem I purchased another planter with the coloured pot we needed, planted the plant in that pot to the garden and repotted the hanging plants into the new pot.  Our pots match and we are now happy.  The funny part of this whole episode is, when the plants grow they hang down and cover the pot anyway, so it really doesn't matter what colour they are,  BUT  WE KNOW.

Today is an inside day, two bathrooms need a clean, and sewing is on the agenda.

I have mentioned previously about the quilt I am finishing for my youngest grand daughter, it is almost finished and took a photo of it yesterday.   There is still a small strip of binding that needs to be sewn down, that will be done today.  The pattern represents propellers and jet planes in formation, and they are all three D, which means all of the fabric making those triangles (in quilters language they are called ("Flying Geese")  is not sewn down.  I chose this pattern as GD is finally starting her first year of ground flight training at college in September.  Then on to another, for an additional three years of actual flight training to earn her pilots license.

Dinner tonight is leftover, with a salad and additional veg.  Dessert not sure yet.  

Have a great day.

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Holiday Monday??

 As I have mentioned previously this past weekend was a stat holiday in Canada, Victoria Day was yesterday the reason for the long weekend.  However, no lazing around for us, it was cooler, so I tackled the weeds in the garden, and fertilized all of the flowers and tomatoes that were recently potted and planted.  Lunch, and then cleaned the large bedroom and hallway, which is never used, so how does it get so dirty?  Because it is in the basement, there is always those pesky spiders.  

Later in the day I sat and did some hand sewing and watch the coming and goings of the hummingbirds and yellow finch.  Such beautiful birds.

We have a huge Copper Beech tree in the front garden, it is s beautiful tree but very messy.  We have gone through the fall of the leaf casings, and the flowers have just finished falling.  They were coating the driveway, and Hubby picked up two of the garden paper recycle bags full.  Both of these things tracked into the house on our clothes and shoes now matter how carefully we tried to removed them and also take our shoes off, so I was forever cleaning the kitchen floor.   Later in the year it will be the nuts that we need to pick up.  

We watched the PGA golf on Sunday, so the dinner I had planned did not happen, we had pizza, which was nice anyway.

My son had a great birthday, he was able to get  in a round of golf because the provincial government opened up a lot of sport activities.   He also mentioned he needed to get into the hot tub after to sooth those muscles that have been inactive for too many months.  

The sun is shining and it is getting hot again, so I will not be doing too much in the way of physical activities today.  I find the hot humid weather is affecting me as I age.   

Dinner tonight, chicken, (it must be Tuesday), all the days seem the same.  Maybe some rice and asparagus.   We still have a bit of fruit and jelly left so dessert all taken care of too.

Sunday, May 23, 2021

Missed Posting

Yesterday was one of those days, where you worked all day and really accomplished nothing.   I did get to finish cleaning the downstairs entrance hall, scrubbed the floor and then put on a coat of finish.  Looks nice now its done, it has been waiting a long time for a good clean.  Laundry and some sewing done also, then it was time for dinner and usually I don't do much after that.  

We have been enjoying sitting out on the balcony with an evening drink, (lemonade) listening to the birds and watching the antics of the squirrels and chipmunks.  It does not sound like an exciting life, but that is OK for me at the present time.  

We had a shower yesterday morning, not enough to do much good just dampened the dust really.  We need a good soaking rain, I am sure the farmers need some moisture for the crops which have been planted recently.  It is still quite hot and somewhat humid, very breezy today, with showers and a thunderstorm possibly later in the day.  

The tomatoes we planted are looking good, no issues from being transplanted.  Different flowers are now starting to bloom in the gardens.  I try to plant flowers, both annuals and perennials so that we have some kind of flower blooming during the Summer. 

Hubby's finger is looking better, however, it seems to be getting in the way of things he does.  The nail will be coming off, so it is going to be a long time before it is back to normal.

Today is my son's birthday, how did he get that old.  Makes me feel like an old lady, but birthdays are only a number and really I do not feel my age.

Working on the final steps to complete the quilt for my youngest granddaughter.  She was suppose to get this quilt last year for her 18th birthday, but I hated working on the fabric of this quilt so with interest lacking in getting it finished it sat for a couple of months with nothing done to it.  It has been back from the longarm quilter for awhile and yesterday I made the label and cut the binding.  Today the binding will be sewn on with the machine and will be finished off with the hand sewing it down.  Her birthday is on June 5th. so lots of time to get it done.  I will show a photo when it is completed.

Last evening I sat for about an hour tweaking the first part of my biography.  There are so many questions I wish I had asked my parents, however, it is too late now.  Just have to rely on my memory of things that happened.  I still have my sister, however, she is 2 1/2 years younger than me, so she would not remember as much as I do.

Dinner tonight, steak on the BBQ, mudrooms, a veg not sure what kind yet and a salad.   Jelly and fruit for dessert,  

Friday, May 21, 2021's HOT

If I did not know any better I would think we were in the middle of Summer, it is that hot and humid at the present time.

We turned on the A/C today, believe it is the earliest we have ever turned it on.  Possibility of showers, we have heard that so many times this past week, I don't believe the forecast any more.  It is, however, suppose to cool down early next week, to normal temps for this time of the year.

Hauling out my Summer clothes this morning trying them on,  the heat in the house during the Winter, did not make them shrink.  LOL.  I do need to get some cool dresses for around the house, I find the waist bands on shorts and pants just make me too hot.  Bras, no I am not going there, they are a nuisance, they are hot and I just hate wearing them in this weather, however, I cannot pass the pencil test, so I do need to wear one.

We both take an eye vitamin, and it is so difficult to find them these days.  The drug store we normally go to for all our meds charges $24.00 for 50 tablets.  Wal@!%* charges $15.00 for the exact same thing.   I was only able to get one at Wal@!%* today.  When the dose is two tablets a day and we both take them, it does not take long to go through the bottle.  Usually, I stock up, but due to distribution issues,  that is not possible at the present time.

Here in Canada this is a holiday weekend, Victoria Day, and the powers that be, have opened up golf courses, skate pads, parks etc. albeit with safety measures in place.  I just hope people do not abuse the opportunity to get outside and enjoy doing some family activity.  We have nothing planned, to us it just another day as we are on a holiday weekend, every day.

It is almost lunch time, so must close for now.

Have a wonderful day and even a better weekend.


Thursday, May 20, 2021

Late in the Day---Tomatoes

Just busy today, so did not have much time to do a post, so here I am at 7:30 p.m.

It has been a hot and humid day, the clouds which came and went helped  to keep it bearable when doing things outside.  It is forecast, early next week, to cool down to the normal temps for this time of the year, and we really do need a good rain.

Hubby was out doing his dandelion thing today and came in covered in dust, a shower and laundering his dirty clothes was in order.  No way were those clothes going into the hamper.

His finger is looking a lot better, but there is still an indication he will loose the nail.

Hubby's daughter, has given us some tomato plants, we put them in pots on the patio this morning.  We will need to protect them from the critters, squirrels, chipmunks and deer, so netting will be placed around the pots.  Cherry tomatoes for the salads and beefsteak tomatoes for toasted bacon and tomatoes sandwiches, and a burger is not a burger unless it has a slice in it.  I like just a tomato sandwich.  

My canning and chili sauce days are over, so I have no intention of doing that, we will just have to eat them up and they ripen and if necessary give some away.

Do you like tomatoes?  What is your favorite way to eat them?

The birds are starting their evening song, they are all winding down for the day,  a Robin is drinking from the bird bath and  others looking for a bedtime snack of a juicy worm.  

The ground hog is on the lawn next door looking for some clover for its last meal of the day, don't think he will find much as Hubby cut that lawn today also.  

I saw something today, which I have not seen before.  We have some old wooden stakes in the ground holding up a plant, and there were Hornets, eating the wood.  They chew it to make pulp and use it to make their paper nests, which hang in the trees.  Interesting to watch as I could see indentations in the wood where they had chewed it.   Believe me, it does not take much to amuse me these days,  hopefully this stay at home order will end on June 2nd.  

Well I am going to close and hopefully, post earlier tomorrow.

Have a great evening.

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

In a slump

 Not much to blog about these days, so as my title suggests my brain is in a slump.

The weather is wonderful, sunny and warm and the windows are open wide letting in the fresh air. 

Hubby managed to put an electric drill bit, into his peter pointer finger on his left hand yesterday.  Looks as if he went right down to the nail bed, which indicates he may loose the nail in time.  It looks very painful, but he says it not.  Nurse (me) fixed him up, however, we need to change the dressing quite often, as it wanted to bleed quite a bit while he was using it.  It seems better this morning.  Sorry if that is too much information.  I know how you feel as my spine keeps tingling every time I think of how it happened.

I need to go to the garden center to and get the final flowers I need to fill the boxes along the top of the fence and two pots on the front porch.  That will be a job for this afternoon.

Salmon, local asparagus, salad and not sure what will be for dessert,  Dinner all taken care of.

Have a wonderful day.

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Happy as a clam

There are many things  I am happy about today.

I am on the right side of the grass to start with. 

The sun is shining, and it is warm even the breeze has some heat to it too.

The garden is coming alive with creeping phlox and iris, the hanging baskets of yellow and purple flowers are swinging gently in the breeze.  The geraniums, busy lizzie and marigolds are in the flower box on the balcony  soaking up the sun so they can produce more flowers.

The canvas roof of the balcony is up, lounge chairs and side tables up there,  and have been used for morning coffee and lunch.

The birds are coming to the feeders and singing there songs.

The fridge is full of fresh food, cupboards and freeze replenished with items we have used during the past week.

My Hubby has started to relax and take advantage of the lounge chairs too.

My family and Hubby's are all well

I feel more like is funny how a trip to your hairdresser can change your outlook on life.

Now my hair is cut Hubby wanted his done also, so out came the trimmers and he looks and feels better too.   I have been cutting his hair for several years. 

What more can a person ask for.

House work has been taken care and being Tuesday, no dinner for me to cook except the veg and make a salad.  BBQ chicken from the grocery store is our go to meal for Tuesday's.

After finishing this post I am going to work on some hand sewing that can been done outside, where I can continue to enjoy the fresh air and bird song.

Hope you are enjoying your day as much as I am.

Monday, May 17, 2021

Monday, Monday

It is a beautiful Monday, sunny and warm, writing this at 12:00 and it is 22 *C already.

Woke to a mess of small branches on the front lawn, they are off the Copper Beech , looking up in the tree we spotted a squirrel is starting to build a nest, and these branches were just a bit too big for her to carry, so they fell to the ground.  We have had then build nests in this tree in previous years.

We weather proofed the canvas canopy which goes on the balcony this morning and once it is dry we will attached it to the frame.   Then I can sit out there to my hearts content.

Guess what,   I am going to get my hair cut today.  It was feel so good to have it tidy again.

Will be back later with more just need to get moving at the present time.

Better late than never. but too late to do anything now.

Have a great evening.

Sunday, May 16, 2021

Slow Sunday

We both slept in a bit latter than when we normally rise for the day, the past few days have been very busy, so it was nice to not have to get up and get moving.   Hubby needs to take a med once a week and Sunday is the day he does that.  No food and he needs to sit for a half  hour, so that give him a chance to read a bit of the newspaper, a forced "time out". 

Over the Winter I tended, in the house, some geranium cuttings from the plants that were in the garden last year, they did exceptionally well, with lots of blooms once they became established.  Yesterday, I planted them out in the garden, they are a salmon pink colour and have brightened up the flower bed until the perennials start to bloom. 

Yesterday, started out sunny and warm, but clouds moved in and the air lost its heat.   Much the same this morning, some sun, cloud and a good breeze and it is 15*C.   However, this coming week, is going to be hot, 28*C and humid, which makes it feel a lot hotter, thunderstorms can be expected.   Only in Canada, winter coats one day and shorts and t-shirts the next.

The steak Hubby cooked last night was delicious, he put two on the grill, so we are going to have the second one tonight in a nice big salad.    

I will be doing some hand stitching on the placemats, should have 12 completed in a couple of days.

Saturday, May 15, 2021

Little Biters

 Gardening is my hobby/pastime during every season, except Winter, of course.  I love being outside, but there is one thing that I hate,  it is the bugs.  They think of me as a  high end buffet eating me alive.  At this time of the year it is little black flies.  They are the kind that love getting into the warm places on my head.  In my hair, around the back of my ears and on my neck.  They leave little holes where they bite and then a short time later I have huge welts where they bit.  Out comes the antihistamine  which is helpful, which I had to use yesterday.

Several years ago I was going to a reunion with my DD 2 and her family, during the trip we decided to stop and have our picnic lunch.  Finding a roadside area, we began to get everything ready, however, the bugs were so bad we packed up and ate in the car.  In the meantime, they dined on me. I had so many bites there were no wrinkles on my forehead, and my hair was lifted somewhat like a bouffant hair do.   Learned my lesson from that episode  and now wear a netted hat in the garden.  I look like the green monster from the black lagoon but I don't care, it does the trick and keeps the bugs off of me.  Working in the garden today, that was head gear of choice.

The weather today, could not make up it's mind what to do, really hot and sunny this morning and cloudy and cool during the afternoon, however, the forecast is looking fantastic for the next week.

Gardening for me as I mentioned, Hubby puttered, he is feel his age today, due to all of the manual labour he has been doing at his daughter's  Tomorrow is going to be a day of resting.

Dinner tonight was BBQ'd steak, riced cauliflower, stuffed mushrooms and Cole slaw, lemon pie for dessert.

Have a great Sunday.


Friday, May 14, 2021

One solved

After checking everything possible with the smoke detector, we determined the unit was defective, new one installed and we are good.  The car is still a mystery.

Did some gardening yesterday, sat in the sun with a drink (water) and did some hand sewing on the placements, after that break I did some more gardening.  

Hubby came home yesterday, with sore knees and back, he was mowing too much soil for his daughter, will be taking it easy for the next couple of days.

We have another lovely day, even the air smells different, warm and no nip to it.   The forecast is good for the next seven days, sunny and temps in the low 20's *C.   

Not much happening here today.

The tuna casserole last not was not to my liking, will not be making it again.  

Have a great day.

Thursday, May 13, 2021


 Do you believe in them???   I am beginning to wonder........around noon today, the smoke detector outside our bedroom went off.  No smoke, no heat, nothing that we could identify as the cause.  The battery was OK too.  It stopped on its own accord.   Wondering...... About and hour later Hubby's convertible in the garage with the garage doors down  and us in the house, the panic horn started to blow.      Wondering.  There was no explanation for either one to sound.   

 Anyway, we have another lovely day.

Did some gardening yesterday afternoon,  I certainly know the years are creeping up on me.  My mind says "do it"  but the body is resisting.   So, have decided  that it is time for me to do what I can during one gardening outing and do the rest of it the next time.  No aches or pains,  which is good.

As I was typing this, a notice came up on the screen, we are in a stay at home order now until June 2nd.   It was suppose to end on May 20, however, the number of cases are not slowing down.  I suspect the extension is due to the holiday weekend that is coming, when in normal times would be the unofficial beginning of Summer.  Camp grounds open, people go camping, and gardening starts in earnest. Hopefully, this extra two weeks will make a big difference and we can get back to doing something again, and businesses can open up. 

Had a nice long chat  with a friend on the phone this morning, she lost her husband several years ago and has been going out with a man for a few years and now they are talking about moving in together.  He is in his 80's and she has had a kidney transplant, he has indicated keeping his big apartment seems to getting a bit too much for him, and the stairs on my friends house are getting a bit too much for her.  So it appears to be a solution for both of them. 

Dinner tonight a Tuna casserole, asparagus and salad, we still have some rice pudding left so that needs to be finished.  

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Another sunny day

 The sun is shining again today and it is quite a bit warmer than it was yesterday.  The birds are loving it too.  The Oriole has been back several times for a feed, the wrens are still busy with their nest, or I should say the female is busy, the male just sits in the sunshine preening himself, supervising I suppose.  Yellow finches are now at the Niger seed feeder, I love looking at their comings and goings, we do have some colourful birds around here.  There are not flocks of them, which would make a amazing sight, just single ones here and there, but nice just the same.

The muffins I made yesterday were delicious, however, could not taste much of the apple, next time will try and find a strong tasting one.

I received a FB message yesterday, one of our guild members had been given some children's themed  fabric, too much for her to use, so anyone in our group could have some. We are now making some children's quilts for a local Woman's shelter.  The shelter gives woman and their children a place to go when things are too bad at home for them to stay.  The shelter helps them with new accommodation and also enough household items to get them started.  So... we are giving quilts to the Mums and kids.  Going there when finished this post, it's a nice day for a drive, and will pick up fabric from the member's garage.

Hubby has gone to his daughter's, he is helping make some raised garden beds for her veg.  

The curtains from our bedroom were ironed and now hung up nice and clean.   

Will have to think about dinner, have no idea at the moment.  

Have a wonderful day.

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Bright, but clouds are looming.

 So far today we have had some nice bright sunshine, but it is really quite cold for this time of the year.  Clouds keep coming and going, and there is a forecast of some showers.  This could be the coldest day this week, as it is to warm up starting tomorrow.

Up early for our grocery shopping this morning, again not many shoppers, which is just fine with us.  We tend to buy much of the same food each week, just wish there was something different to spark up my meals.  I tend to get into a rut making the same thing.   There was a recipe in the news paper on Saturday, for Oatmeal apple muffins which sounded good, so bought extra apples today to try it out.   Making them this afternoon.

The flowers that daughter #2 gave me for Mothers day look better than they did after have a long drink of water, however, some will not open into a full bloom as I believe they were picked too early.  Anyway, she called the florist and was told that the Company that sent the flowers stole the orders for a lot of their customers and there was little she could do. How this would happen I don't know. But, she was also told the florist had run out of flowers, so they could have forwarded orders to the other company.   I suggested to daughter, this was a learning lesson, contact the store directly by phone and not do it on line for future purchases.  

Because I am not driving as many miles as I was, I received a rebate cheque in the mail for part of my insurance  costs, so need to go to the bank, (no, I do not do banking on line) to deposit it.  Then I think a trip to the garden center is on my to do list.

A couple of days ago I filled up the hummingbird and oriole feeders and put them in the garden.  As I am sitting here writing I heard the familiar call of the oriole and there he was sitting on the balcony railing announcing he arrival in the neighborhood and then went straight to the feeder.  They are such beautiful birds.  Hoping the warmer weather will soon bring the hummingbirds too.

Dinner tonight, Tuesday chicken veg and salad. and an oatmeal muffin for dessert?

Monday, May 10, 2021


 Yes we have sunshine, but the wind is still cold, hoping it will warm up later in the day.  The forecast for the week is looking better with more of the same weather as we have today, but getting warmer up to normal temps for this time of the year.

Yesterday, my son and DIL came for a distance visit, the first time I have seen them for a long, long time.  They were going to have a distance visit for their grand daughters second birthday.  They both have had their first shot and only go out when absolutely necessary.  My son works from home and DIL is retired.  They are both avid golfers, so suffering from the lack of going out to play every week.

My youngest daughter had advised there was going to be a delivery on Saturday for Mothers Day, it did not arrive, however, yesterday shortly after 6:00 p.m. a large box of flowers were delivered.  The address was incorrect, therefore could be the reason for the non delivery on the previous day and the flowers must have been in the box for a long time without water and looked almost dead.  Immediately they were put in water and I advised daughter they had arrived and the condition they were in.  Over night they have perked up a bit, but apparently daughter is going to call them and complain. Other than that it was a quiet day, too cold to really do anything outside comfortably so I did some hand sewing on the place mats while watching the tube with Hubby.

Tomorrow I am planning to take a trip to the garden center and purchase some annuals, not putting them in the ground just yet, it is much too early but last year there was not much left to choose from when I went after May 24th.  With people staying home, a lot of them have taken up gardening, so plants go very quickly.

Dinner tonight, Swedish meatballs in mushroom sauce, with pasta.   We still have some rice pudding left, so that will be dessert.


Sunday, May 09, 2021

Mothers Day

Happy Mothers Day to all the Mothers, aunt, grandmothers and care givers, hope you are having a lovely day.

It is quiet here, my son and DIL will be dropping by for a distance visit around 1:00p.m.  After they will have a distance visit with their  granddaughter who is two years old today.   My eldest daughter sent  flowers earlier in the week.  My youngest daughter is working today, she is a PSW in a hospital.  She advised a delivery was suppose to come yesterday, we are still waiting. and it is now Sunday at 10:00 a.m.  

Cloudy again today and cool, nothing on the agenda, just another day on the estate.

Have a lovely day.

Saturday, May 08, 2021

Trying to brighten up

 We had some showers overnight and the skies are still grey, but it appears to be getting a bit brighter as the morning progresses.  Still cool and we have quite a strong breeze, hopefully to chase those clouds away.

Laundry on, only a couple of loads, we don't make many clothes dirty these days, but there is always the daily used items that need to be cleaned.  On a day like today, glad we have the dryer and do not have to rely on a clothes line. however, having said that, I do like the smell of clothes that have been blowing on the line.  Some communities here do not allow clothes lines to be put up in peoples back gardens.  Shame really.

Do you use a clothes dryer or a line outside?

Hubby helped his daughter yesterday, she had a tree trimmer come and cut down a large branch on one of her trees and then they loaded up the trailer to take everything to the recycle depot.   She stayed for dinner, she lives a lone so is allowed to be with one other family, so we were OK as far as the required socializing.  Her coming to dinner was a last minute happening, so two pieces of salmon fed three of us, along with some stuffed mushroom, tomato, cucumber, cheese,  pickles and broccoli, and lemon cake from the freezer we had a good dinner. 

Some house work needs to be done today, mainly a good top to bottom for the bathrooms, they get a once over every day, but a weekly "good" clean.  Kitchen floor was done yesterday, and vacumming and dusting earlier in the week.  I do not have one day in which I do all the housework, I find by doing a little every day  is easier for me and some days none gets done.  

The tree in the front of our house is a huge and beautiful Copper Beach, but it is very messy.  At the present time the outer cover of the leaf is now falling away as the leaves are opening up. These coverings are everywhere and in wet weather they stick to your shoes and track in, even if shoes are removed at the door.  In the Fall the tree produces nuts and they fall everywhere. No meat is ever in these nuts, we pick up bags and bags of them every year.

Dinner tonight, not sure, pork chops, applesauce brussels, salad and rice pudding sounds good to me.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Friday, May 07, 2021

Friday--where did this week go

Even th9ugh we are in lockdown and cannot go anywhere, the days just seem to fly by.  This week went very fast.  

Thanks for all of the hugs and thoughts sent my way, it is comforting to know that people "out there" are thinking about you.  Thanks You.

After my recent post this week regarding my Mother, I got a lot of comfort knowing what I have done in the past.  I was always in a quandary as what to give for birthday, Christmas gifts, etc. what do you give an elderly person that has lots of clothes and enough nic nacs and ornaments to sink a battleship and financially able to buy anything she wanted???   I decided  to give IOU's to her for Christmas.  I always would give her a poinsettia at that time of the year, so I though what about the remaining months  of the year.  The IOU was for flowers every month, a Lilly at Easter, hanging baskets for outside in the Spring, and the grocery store had beautiful bouquets of flowers for the remaining months.  She looked forward to receiving them.  So now I feel good about giving flowers that she could see year round and not when I place them on her grave.

Did some gardening yesterday, pulling weeds that seem to grown even when the soil is wet or dry.  Trying to keep ahead of them at this time of the year is a full time job.  Even though we are in lockdown and non essential businesses are closed, garden centers are in the category of essential services.   Next week I am going to a local one to find some annuals for the garden, will not be planting them yet, but getting them, as last year when we were in lockdown, very few were available when I went shopping.  

Hubby did some puttering in the garden yesterday also, spreading soil in low lying areas and picking dandelions ---again,

Wrens are busy carrying twigs and grasses into their nest in the bird houses we have, there are so comical to watch.  Trying to get a twigs six inches long into a hole only 1/2 inch in diameter. 

Friday, so salmon for dinner tonight.  The left over meat balls we had last night were tasty with a baked potato and asparagus. 

Have a great weekend.  

Thursday, May 06, 2021

Pink & White & Blue

 As mentioned previously this coming Sunday is Mothers Day here in Canada.  Yesterday, a bouquet of pink and white flowers arrived from daughter #1.  That caused a major breakdown for me.  My stiff upper lip sagged, and could not hold on any longer.  I had finally realized, after two years my Mother was gone, I could not bring her flowers, only to her grave.  It has taken me this long to accept the fact. I feel better  after having a good sleep last night.

Today is bright and sunny, we were forecast a frost last night but from the looks of the garden that did not materialize even with the temp down to 1*C.  Rain is suppose to start later today, but the long range forecast looks sunny but still cold.

Hubby is putting some new soil on the front garden, we have a clay soil, so every once in awhile, we add some good black earth.  I will so glad to be able to get some annuals in the gardens to bring in some colour.

Last night's dinner did not happen, we had something quick with no prep. hot dogs and brown beans with a salad.

Tonight I will make more of an effort  to get a proper meal.

That is all from me today.

Thanks for listening.

Wednesday, May 05, 2021

Dreary day

I had something pop up on my FB page today.

Do you know why this month is called May?

It may be hot,

It may be cold,

It may be sunny,

It may be raining,

Sums it up as far as I am concerned as we have another dreary day.   One of those days where my energy level just falls.  It is also cold and windy, and the forecast is not better for the next few days.

Needed something to bring a smile to my face today, so looked at my quilting projects and found this one which makes be happy.   It is a fabric art wall hanging I made several years ago.  It is time for me to hang it up in my kitchen again for the Summer.  

It was a challenge my quilting guild had, we were given seven pieces of batik fabric which we had to use in a design of our choice.  This is mine.

We have several bird houses in our back garden and one is currently we prepared by  Wrens so that a family can be raised there.  

I was able to get 9 placemat tops done, sandwiched with batting and quilted yesterday, going to cut the binding for them today and hopefully get some of it sewed on so that I can sit and watch 'TV and hand sew it to the back at the same time.  Don't like just sitting and looking at the "box", though I must admit  I am getting quite good at doing that these days.   Not me at all, age catching up?  possibly.

This coming Sunday, May 9th is Mother's Day here in Canada.  My Mum has been gone now for two years, I miss speaking with her and telling her what the family is doing.  

The first photo of her is when she was 100 years old, the second photo is a fabric art picture I made from this photo.

Dinner tonight, not sure what meat we are going to have, there are a few meat balls in a sauce that need to be used up will have to think about using them.  Veg and salad is also on the menu and last night I made chocolate mousse and there are two portions of that left.


Tuesday, May 04, 2021

Brolly Day

 Slight fog in the air when we got up shortly after 6 a.m. but  it soon turned to rain, and it appears that is going to be our weather for the day and several other days later this week.  

We were up early for grocery day, only one other person shopping in the store this morning.  As we arrive the staff is still stocking the fruit and the veg. sections.  Many times in the past I have needed to ask for certain items not on the shelves yet.  I have done that so many times, the staff know just what I am looking for which is usually grapes and at this time of the year asparagus, so they go into the storage room and bring out fresh for us.  The store is located in a complex of high rise apartments which house a lot of seniors, it is small so it does not take too long to complete our grocery list.  I would like to go to a bigger store for the opportunity to see more selections of items, but at this uncertain time  I am just happy to go to this one.  Last week there were men erecting the temporary garden center in the park  lot, no plants in it today, but it is still early for that.

Yesterday, I spent the afternoon in the sewing studio, making placemats for our quilting guild project, three completed,  three quilted and the remaining six waiting for quilting, which I hope to get done this afternoon. Not sure what Hubby will get up to today.

Dinner tonight chicken baked potato, asparagus, dessert lemon cake which needs to be taken out of the freezer.

Monday, May 03, 2021

Showers--- don't they know it's May

After an absolutely beautiful Sunday, with sunshine, warm wind and some humidity we are back to showers again.  

We ate our lunch outside and in the evening we sat on the balcony, the first time this year.  While sitting there we heard a Wren and then two were busy scoping out the bird box made especially for them.  We hope they move in as we love watching  and listening to them.   Also, need to prepare the Oriole and hummingbird feeders, as  my diary from last year, indicated they both should be back here soon.

Not much happening here today, the rain has made it just wet enough not to be able to do anything outside.

Dinner last night was very nice.  enough of the beef left over for tonight's dinner.

That is all for me today, as I said not much happening, however, if something earth shattering happens I'll be back.


Sunday, May 02, 2021


I dream almost every night, detailed and in colour and I remember almost all of them in the morning.  Last night I dreamed I was downtown shopping.  The sidewalk was about 18 inches above the street and waa uneven and in need of repair.  There was a man and his family getting up on to the side walk and he was helping his little girl get up from the street.  I asked him if he would help me because my legs were short too.  He helped me up and I thanked him.  I was wearing a yellow mini skirt and high heeled shoes.   Going into a store I saw a friend in line to checkout, she saw me and gave me the thumbs ups in approval of my outfit.!!!!   That was my dream.   What it meant, if anything I have no idea.  Do you dream?  I have had only a few that have woken me up due to the nature of them, otherwise they are all good ones.

Warmer today, and cloudy with the threat of rain by the looks of the clouds.   

My great grandson C has a birthday today, he is five.  Unfortunately, again no birthday celebration.   He was suppose to start Jr. Kindergarten las Sept. but due to the pandemic he was not able to go to school and not do any on line work either.  He was so ready to go.  Mum has been teaching him lots on things at home, so hopefully he will be able to get to school in Sept. this year.

Dinner tonight roast beef with all the trimmings.

Saturday, May 01, 2021

Calm & Horrified

All day yesterday it was very windy, small branches, leaves and flowers came off the trees on the estate.  When we went to bed it was a bit better, and this morning we have beautiful blue skies, sunshine and calm winds.  But it is cold again, only 10*C as I write this.

May 1st.  

Birthstone:  Emerald

Who first beholds the light of day,

In Spring's sweet flowery month of May,

And wears an emerald all her life,

Shall be loved and happy wif

In 1931 Empire State Building opened in New York.

I have a lot of birthdays this month, two great grands are going to be 2 years old, my grand DIL, son and sister.

The above takes care of the word Calm, now the Horrified.

In both or our convertibles we have installed dog barriers (we do not have a dog)  but these barriers fit between the two front seats so that dogs do not jump from the back to the front.  We use them as a wind deflector when we are out in the late evening, it keeps us warmer.  Works like a charm. They are attached by straps, one was broken, yesterday Hubby was repairing it.  He decided to straighten the strap first, so came into my sewing room and plugged in the iron.  The next thing he is running into the kitchen for a knife!!!  Suspicious of his actions I go into my sewing studio and there is black melted plastic on the iron, knife and water all over the ironing board.  Now, to a sewer like myself my ironing board and iron are sacred, do not touch, just like my fabric cutting scissors.

"What in the h#%ll are you doing?" His reply, "Straightening the strap" .  The water came from the iron when he tipped it up to look at the plastic on the plate.  The plastic from the strap was all over the iron, what a mess.   Anyway it was cleaned up with no problem and we had a good laugh at the mess he had made.  It is an older iron that was his late wife's, mine had to be thrown out, as it did not shut off just kept on getting hotter.  Until the stores are open I am using this one, I need to purchase a new one. 

Hubby is now out cutting the grass, as we are forecast rain for the four days.  

Laundry is currently whirling around the the washing machine and dryer.  The housework is going to start getting done when this is finished.

Dinner ??? I am sure we will find something, Oh! how I wish to go out tonight and have a nice dinner.

Colours and Lee

Autumn this year is certainly providing a beautiful display of colours.    The trees are finally starting to change into the reds, oranges a...