Sunday, May 02, 2021


I dream almost every night, detailed and in colour and I remember almost all of them in the morning.  Last night I dreamed I was downtown shopping.  The sidewalk was about 18 inches above the street and waa uneven and in need of repair.  There was a man and his family getting up on to the side walk and he was helping his little girl get up from the street.  I asked him if he would help me because my legs were short too.  He helped me up and I thanked him.  I was wearing a yellow mini skirt and high heeled shoes.   Going into a store I saw a friend in line to checkout, she saw me and gave me the thumbs ups in approval of my outfit.!!!!   That was my dream.   What it meant, if anything I have no idea.  Do you dream?  I have had only a few that have woken me up due to the nature of them, otherwise they are all good ones.

Warmer today, and cloudy with the threat of rain by the looks of the clouds.   

My great grandson C has a birthday today, he is five.  Unfortunately, again no birthday celebration.   He was suppose to start Jr. Kindergarten las Sept. but due to the pandemic he was not able to go to school and not do any on line work either.  He was so ready to go.  Mum has been teaching him lots on things at home, so hopefully he will be able to get to school in Sept. this year.

Dinner tonight roast beef with all the trimmings.

1 comment:

  1. Loved hearing about your dream, does make you wonder if it means anything. I've had some real doozies lately. Sorry to hear your little grandson won't have a birthday celebration and sad that he was so ready for school and had to wait a year. Hopefully it will make the upcoming year even more exciting for him. Have a fantastic Sunday!


The world of white

In the city where I live we have been fortunate to receive only light dustings of snow, compared to places further north of me.  However, th...