Friday, May 07, 2021

Friday--where did this week go

Even th9ugh we are in lockdown and cannot go anywhere, the days just seem to fly by.  This week went very fast.  

Thanks for all of the hugs and thoughts sent my way, it is comforting to know that people "out there" are thinking about you.  Thanks You.

After my recent post this week regarding my Mother, I got a lot of comfort knowing what I have done in the past.  I was always in a quandary as what to give for birthday, Christmas gifts, etc. what do you give an elderly person that has lots of clothes and enough nic nacs and ornaments to sink a battleship and financially able to buy anything she wanted???   I decided  to give IOU's to her for Christmas.  I always would give her a poinsettia at that time of the year, so I though what about the remaining months  of the year.  The IOU was for flowers every month, a Lilly at Easter, hanging baskets for outside in the Spring, and the grocery store had beautiful bouquets of flowers for the remaining months.  She looked forward to receiving them.  So now I feel good about giving flowers that she could see year round and not when I place them on her grave.

Did some gardening yesterday, pulling weeds that seem to grown even when the soil is wet or dry.  Trying to keep ahead of them at this time of the year is a full time job.  Even though we are in lockdown and non essential businesses are closed, garden centers are in the category of essential services.   Next week I am going to a local one to find some annuals for the garden, will not be planting them yet, but getting them, as last year when we were in lockdown, very few were available when I went shopping.  

Hubby did some puttering in the garden yesterday also, spreading soil in low lying areas and picking dandelions ---again,

Wrens are busy carrying twigs and grasses into their nest in the bird houses we have, there are so comical to watch.  Trying to get a twigs six inches long into a hole only 1/2 inch in diameter. 

Friday, so salmon for dinner tonight.  The left over meat balls we had last night were tasty with a baked potato and asparagus. 

Have a great weekend.  

1 comment:

  1. That was a great idea with the flowers for your mother. Happy gardening and have a Nice mother's Day weekend! :)


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