Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Another sunny day

 The sun is shining again today and it is quite a bit warmer than it was yesterday.  The birds are loving it too.  The Oriole has been back several times for a feed, the wrens are still busy with their nest, or I should say the female is busy, the male just sits in the sunshine preening himself, supervising I suppose.  Yellow finches are now at the Niger seed feeder, I love looking at their comings and goings, we do have some colourful birds around here.  There are not flocks of them, which would make a amazing sight, just single ones here and there, but nice just the same.

The muffins I made yesterday were delicious, however, could not taste much of the apple, next time will try and find a strong tasting one.

I received a FB message yesterday, one of our guild members had been given some children's themed  fabric, too much for her to use, so anyone in our group could have some. We are now making some children's quilts for a local Woman's shelter.  The shelter gives woman and their children a place to go when things are too bad at home for them to stay.  The shelter helps them with new accommodation and also enough household items to get them started.  So... we are giving quilts to the Mums and kids.  Going there when finished this post, it's a nice day for a drive, and will pick up fabric from the member's garage.

Hubby has gone to his daughter's, he is helping make some raised garden beds for her veg.  

The curtains from our bedroom were ironed and now hung up nice and clean.   

Will have to think about dinner, have no idea at the moment.  

Have a wonderful day.


  1. Lots of times if you put a little "whatever" extract in the food you're making, the taste of the "whatever" is a bit stronger. For example, maybe a little apple extract put into your muffins would have helped. Your day sounds absolutely heavenly... I can feel the warmer temperatures all the way over here in Indiana. :) ~Andrea xoxo

  2. So glad it's a bit warmer today. I love watching the birds too. It's so nice of you to make the quilts for the women and children in the shelter. I bet whatever you decide on for dinner will be delicious. :)


The world of white

In the city where I live we have been fortunate to receive only light dustings of snow, compared to places further north of me.  However, th...