Thursday, May 06, 2021

Pink & White & Blue

 As mentioned previously this coming Sunday is Mothers Day here in Canada.  Yesterday, a bouquet of pink and white flowers arrived from daughter #1.  That caused a major breakdown for me.  My stiff upper lip sagged, and could not hold on any longer.  I had finally realized, after two years my Mother was gone, I could not bring her flowers, only to her grave.  It has taken me this long to accept the fact. I feel better  after having a good sleep last night.

Today is bright and sunny, we were forecast a frost last night but from the looks of the garden that did not materialize even with the temp down to 1*C.  Rain is suppose to start later today, but the long range forecast looks sunny but still cold.

Hubby is putting some new soil on the front garden, we have a clay soil, so every once in awhile, we add some good black earth.  I will so glad to be able to get some annuals in the gardens to bring in some colour.

Last night's dinner did not happen, we had something quick with no prep. hot dogs and brown beans with a salad.

Tonight I will make more of an effort  to get a proper meal.

That is all from me today.

Thanks for listening.


  1. Many (((((((gentle hugs))))))) coming your way, Pat. I am so sorry about the loss of your Mom. Some things feel fresh & raw even if they happened awhile ago. And hey, there's nothing improper about hot dogs, beans and salad. It sounds delicious! Don't listen to anyone else about what is "proper" or not. YOU decide!! Love~ Andrea xoxo

  2. I am so sorry it hit you so hard ((big hugs)) but glad you are feeling better today. Glad you are having a bright and sunny day too, that's always a mood lifter too. Nothing wrong with quick, easy meals now and then, and I'm sure whatever you make will be delicious!

  3. Bom dia a todos a paz de Jesus e o Amor de Maria esteja comigo e com minha família 💕 Senhor faça se em nós instrumento de Vossa PAZ ❤️


The world of white

In the city where I live we have been fortunate to receive only light dustings of snow, compared to places further north of me.  However, th...