Thursday, May 20, 2021

Late in the Day---Tomatoes

Just busy today, so did not have much time to do a post, so here I am at 7:30 p.m.

It has been a hot and humid day, the clouds which came and went helped  to keep it bearable when doing things outside.  It is forecast, early next week, to cool down to the normal temps for this time of the year, and we really do need a good rain.

Hubby was out doing his dandelion thing today and came in covered in dust, a shower and laundering his dirty clothes was in order.  No way were those clothes going into the hamper.

His finger is looking a lot better, but there is still an indication he will loose the nail.

Hubby's daughter, has given us some tomato plants, we put them in pots on the patio this morning.  We will need to protect them from the critters, squirrels, chipmunks and deer, so netting will be placed around the pots.  Cherry tomatoes for the salads and beefsteak tomatoes for toasted bacon and tomatoes sandwiches, and a burger is not a burger unless it has a slice in it.  I like just a tomato sandwich.  

My canning and chili sauce days are over, so I have no intention of doing that, we will just have to eat them up and they ripen and if necessary give some away.

Do you like tomatoes?  What is your favorite way to eat them?

The birds are starting their evening song, they are all winding down for the day,  a Robin is drinking from the bird bath and  others looking for a bedtime snack of a juicy worm.  

The ground hog is on the lawn next door looking for some clover for its last meal of the day, don't think he will find much as Hubby cut that lawn today also.  

I saw something today, which I have not seen before.  We have some old wooden stakes in the ground holding up a plant, and there were Hornets, eating the wood.  They chew it to make pulp and use it to make their paper nests, which hang in the trees.  Interesting to watch as I could see indentations in the wood where they had chewed it.   Believe me, it does not take much to amuse me these days,  hopefully this stay at home order will end on June 2nd.  

Well I am going to close and hopefully, post earlier tomorrow.

Have a great evening.

1 comment:

  1. Glad hubby's finger is doing better. I love tomatoes too. Some of my favorites are caprese, bruschetta, and BLT salads - all so yummy!


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