Wednesday, May 19, 2021

In a slump

 Not much to blog about these days, so as my title suggests my brain is in a slump.

The weather is wonderful, sunny and warm and the windows are open wide letting in the fresh air. 

Hubby managed to put an electric drill bit, into his peter pointer finger on his left hand yesterday.  Looks as if he went right down to the nail bed, which indicates he may loose the nail in time.  It looks very painful, but he says it not.  Nurse (me) fixed him up, however, we need to change the dressing quite often, as it wanted to bleed quite a bit while he was using it.  It seems better this morning.  Sorry if that is too much information.  I know how you feel as my spine keeps tingling every time I think of how it happened.

I need to go to the garden center to and get the final flowers I need to fill the boxes along the top of the fence and two pots on the front porch.  That will be a job for this afternoon.

Salmon, local asparagus, salad and not sure what will be for dessert,  Dinner all taken care of.

Have a wonderful day.


  1. Ouch! I hope his finger is all better soon. Enjoy gardening and the beautiful weather. :)

  2. Saint Michael pray for me and defend us in the fight that I am facing in my health. Amen!

  3. Drills bits are dirty things, Pat. Please make sure your husband's tetanus shot is current and that infection doesn't set in. Enjoy this luscious weather. ~Andrea xoxo


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