Friday, May 28, 2021

It's not chilly any more it's COLD

 Rain, wind and temp only 6*C when we got up this morning.  Such a big difference from a week ago when we were suffering from the heat and humidity so that it felt like 34*C.  

Cannot really complain we need the rain as we have not had any for a long time, we have had showers but not the soaking  rain which we are getting at the moment which is doing a lot of good.

Not much happening around here today,  due to the fact I seem to lack energy on these dull dreary days.

Had a great Zoom meeting with the quilting guild last night, we are hoping that by Sept. we will be able to have an outside in person meeting when the numbers of people that can gather increases over and above  the 10 people which will be allowed in the middle of June.

I am so tired of this pandemic, usually I am upbeat but finding my "up"  is becoming harder and harder to muster and these rainy days don't help.  I do not consider myself depressed, by the way, just down.

The spaghettis and meat sauce we had for dinner last night we really good, we have enough sauce left over for at least another meal, if not two.  Have not decided on what's for dinner tonight, but thinking it will be fish and tomorrow use some of the meat sauce for another meal and then freeze the rest.

This is definitely going to be a sewing day today, my sewing room is my happy place, making something pretty out of pieces of fabric makes me feel good.

Hope you have a great day, cannot believe it is Friday again.


1 comment:

  1. I find it hard find any energy on dreary rainy days too. I'll trade you some warmth and sunshine for some of that rain, we desperately need it here. It's crazy how fast the weeks fly by isn't it? I hope you have a nice weekend! :)


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