Thursday, May 13, 2021


 Do you believe in them???   I am beginning to wonder........around noon today, the smoke detector outside our bedroom went off.  No smoke, no heat, nothing that we could identify as the cause.  The battery was OK too.  It stopped on its own accord.   Wondering...... About and hour later Hubby's convertible in the garage with the garage doors down  and us in the house, the panic horn started to blow.      Wondering.  There was no explanation for either one to sound.   

 Anyway, we have another lovely day.

Did some gardening yesterday afternoon,  I certainly know the years are creeping up on me.  My mind says "do it"  but the body is resisting.   So, have decided  that it is time for me to do what I can during one gardening outing and do the rest of it the next time.  No aches or pains,  which is good.

As I was typing this, a notice came up on the screen, we are in a stay at home order now until June 2nd.   It was suppose to end on May 20, however, the number of cases are not slowing down.  I suspect the extension is due to the holiday weekend that is coming, when in normal times would be the unofficial beginning of Summer.  Camp grounds open, people go camping, and gardening starts in earnest. Hopefully, this extra two weeks will make a big difference and we can get back to doing something again, and businesses can open up. 

Had a nice long chat  with a friend on the phone this morning, she lost her husband several years ago and has been going out with a man for a few years and now they are talking about moving in together.  He is in his 80's and she has had a kidney transplant, he has indicated keeping his big apartment seems to getting a bit too much for him, and the stairs on my friends house are getting a bit too much for her.  So it appears to be a solution for both of them. 

Dinner tonight a Tuna casserole, asparagus and salad, we still have some rice pudding left so that needs to be finished.  


  1. That sure is weird, especially to have two different unrelated things happen. I'm not sure if I believe in ghosts, but I don't not believe in them either! It's an interesting topic and one I've thought about doing some blog posts about. I have had my share of strange inexplicable occurrences.

    Glad you had a nice chat with your friend and their solution sounds just perfect. :)

  2. OK, now I'd say that's strange, for sure. Does the battery need to be changed in the smoke detector? Is it some sort of electrical "short" with the car? Those are the only two explanations I can think of.

    What's also odd is that our countries are right next to each other and you are having a further lockdown while we, here in the USA, have been told that as long as people are fully vaccinated they are no longer obligated to wear masks. Here in our county the virus numbers are still in the "orange" range, which is none too good. So I'm not understanding the "no mask" opinion of the CDC. Oh well, I'm still wearing my mask when in public even tho I'm fully vaccinated. I may not catch COVID but I sure am enjoying not having colds, bronchitis or the flu either... because of the masks. *haha* ~Andrea xoxo


The world of white

In the city where I live we have been fortunate to receive only light dustings of snow, compared to places further north of me.  However, th...