Sunday, October 18, 2020


Yesterday, was a busy day, so did not get around to posting anything, today is catchup day.

 SHOWER, BABY SHOWER, it was for my grand nephew and his wife's baby which is due in December.  I don't know if showers, either wedding or baby are different  in this day and age to when I went to them about three or four years ago. BUT   I am not referring to the pandemic, and how it has changed the way functions like this are held.  Everyone to this event was invited via FB, and I get that it is the NEW way, and everyone is asked to either say they attend or not.  I get that.    No offence to anyone reading this if they live in a country setting, and I know people have different ways of living in rural Canada.  I had to travel for an hour and a half to get to this shower, no problem with that, but it will give you an idea how far this house I had to go to here in Canada was.  By the way, it was a beautiful drive, sunny and the colours of the trees was absolutely beautiful.   So back to the shower, all the gifts were piled in the living room, but everyone sat in the kitchen, usually in the past the prospective Mother sits in a special chair and is the centre of attraction, not yesterday, if you did not know her you could not have guessed who she was.   "Mum" did not open one single gift, and I get that if there is an issue due to COVID, but say so.   If you wanted to partake of any of the luncheon, you had to get it yourself, I also get that and if you wanted a "thank you" card you were required to complete your address on an envelope.  I knew only a handful of the women there, and after 40 minutes I was ready to leave and so I did.  Is this the new way of having a shower, or am I just and old,  old fashioned woman?  I am not a stuffy city resident, even though I live in a city,  I have lived in the country, but I was really surprised with the way this shower was conducted.   As I mentioned previously, no offence to anyone living in the country.

SHOWER THE WET KIND, to day is damp and quite cool and we have been having light showers all morning, with rain starting later today, and continuing for three days this coming week.  I can see some serious sewing being done.

Hubby picked up more leaves yesterday, and a neighbour asked him if he would do her leaf pickup and also for her son who owns the house next door to her.  He has been diagnosed with cancer,  and is unable to do it.  Hubby said of course, so he will be busy for the next week or more.

Dinner tonight, not sure yet what it will be, but we do have jelly and fruit for dessert.


  1. Yes, yes, yes.... amen, amen, amen! Things have changed in how they are done, in today's world (not talking about the virus), and it's NOT for the better. I am 64yo and back in my day, invitations to any sort of showers were done via snail mail, of course, as there was no internet back then. You put the invitation on your refrigerator and looked with anticipation to the event because it was a chance to get out of the house & socialize for awhile. The food was always delicious (homemade), there were little party favors on the tables filled with nuts, mints and M&Ms. We played bingo or other games and had little prizes for the winners. The bride or expectant mother always wore a little corsage & was dressed particularly nice, so there was no doubt on who she was in the crowd. And she opened every gift, amidst the ooohs & ahhhhs of the attendees, and always gave her thank-yous out loud... as well as sent a thank-you note within 2 weeks after the shower.

    Then weddings??? Oh my gosh, how fortunate we felt to get a wedding invitation in the mail. We always looked forward to it for weeks beforehand. The food, the cake, and the band playing afterward. We always "passed the bride's shoe" to collect money so the band could play an extra hour. Nowadays it's hard to get people to even attend a wedding, let alone stay even until the band or DJ starts playing. It's so incredibly sad!!

    I don't know the reason for this either, but I have my suspicions it's the internet & also the amount of money people have. People just want to veg out at home, with their internet games or shows, and not go anywhere. People are usually working 50-60 hours a week and running around for various activities with their children, that all they can think to do is lay around if they're not doing those two things. Folks might tell me that people DON'T have money today but I'm here to tell them that if they are afford $150/mo for smart phone service & $150/mo or more for internet & tv service & a boatload of $$ for fast food or eating out 4-5 days/wk... then they have money alright. Back in the day we couldn't afford to throw away money like that!

    I'll get off my soapbox now but please be assured that I agree with you wholeheartedly. Events aren't run like they used to be and it's a real shame. I'd go back 50 years in a heartbeat!! ~Andrea xoxo

    1. By "the amount of money people have" I meant... people have way too much money today! Back when we were young, people felt so grateful to have a wedding invitation because it meant they could eat some wonderful food, partake in some beverages, and dance the night away.... all for the money they put into the wedding card. Usually it was a real bargain. Just wanted to be clear. :-)


The world of white

In the city where I live we have been fortunate to receive only light dustings of snow, compared to places further north of me.  However, th...