Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Fast and Furious, Dream

That is how the leaves are falling from one of the maple trees on our property.  They are a beautiful yellow and with the bright sunshine we have today shining on them, the front guest bedroom is awash with yellow light.  Goes well with the quilt that is on the bed, as I turned it over to the backing side for the Summer.  Reminds me to flip it to the patchwork side soon.

A sad day today, our classic Mustang convertible was placed in storage for the Winter, it was hard to do on such a lovely sunny day, but it was much too cold to ride in it with the top down.  Look forward to another Summer of drives next year.

Dream,  do you dream?  I do, not every night but when I do I remember them in the morning, some are downright silly, some crazy but they are never scary like a nightmare.  Last night I went to a shopping mall, it was a huge one, and the thing I cant figure out is, I have actually been in this mall, but do not remember where or when.  The only way I could get around the mall was on a childs tricycle, and we could only go one way, (That is because of the markers on real life mall floors, I think).  I get to the end of a walk way, and have to go down a slide on the tricycle, there is no way on earth am I going on this slide, it was so steep.  I abandon the tricycle and some how end up in a freight elavator with a young woman wearing a white lace face shield, (again Covid related).  We keep going up until we see, out of the roof trees and the sky and then we go down again, never getting off.   Can anyone tell me what this dream means.  Am I going shopping, become ill and go to heaven with an angel?   Just kidding.  

Finishing this post, going for a walk in the beautiful sunshine.

Dinner tonight, left over roast beef, gravy, veg and salad.  Dessert has not even been though of yet but it could be fruit tonight.

1 comment:

  1. Don't you just love dreams and how crazy they can be? *haha* I would love to see a picture of you on that tricycle, tooling around the mall doing your Christmas shopping. :-) ~Andrea xoxo


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