Tuesday, October 06, 2020

Grocery day

Up at 6:00a.m. to get to the grocery store again today.  If something that we used on a regular basis and is on sale we usually buy several.  This week there were a lot of things, so the bill was just a tad high.   The only things we need next week will be eggs, milk and some fresh fruit and veg, the cupboards and freezer are full.

Today is a bit milder even though there is a brisk breeze, so time to plant those daffodil bulbs.  The marigolds are still looking very nice, so will leave them in until the frost gets them.

The pots of geraniums I brought in to over Winter seem to be doing OK. If necessary, I can always take additional cuttings from the two plants I also brought in for the Winter.  

Hubby just left to go see his Dr. he has several moles that look as if they might need looking at.  In the past he has had several burned off of his back, so it is nothing new.

My son started  a new job yesterday, Technical Systems Engineer, for a company that processes  utility meter readings and billing etc. There is an office in the city he lives in but he will be working from home.  That can't be easy.   He has been out of work for most of the year, not because of the virus, but from what I understand, he and his boss did not see eye to eye, and the boss won.  He is at an age where it might have been difficult for him to get a new job.  Luckily he did.

Dinner tonight, chicken, rice, broccoli and salad.  Fruit in jelly for dessert.

Have a great  day. 

1 comment:

  1. I hope your son's job goes well and that your husband's moles are removed without incident, if needed. Yes, the weather is rapidly turning here in Indiana too. This week is supposed to be sunny & nice so youngest daughter & my husband are working on building the front stoop. They're hoping to get it in before the cold settles. When we're supposed to do the winter prep out on the land is anybody's guess. I'm sure we'll be doing it with the snow flying. ~Andrea xoxo


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