Friday, October 09, 2020

Bright morning

Woke to the sun rising, it is looking like a beautiful day in the making.  The next two days are forecast to be almost Summer like.  Sunshine and temps in the low 20's, I will take it.

So what to do today, there is still some tidying to do in the garden, that is on my list to do, also empty window boxes and pots that had the tomato plants in.  

Another walk is also planned, trying to loose some extra pounds before the Winter sets in as I have a tendency to gain weight due to the inactivity.  

The some trees are becoming more colourful every day, but having said that, there are a few that have not begun to change and maybe they wont.  The wind we had a couple of days ago, brought down another shower of nuts off the Beech tree, hope they will soon be all done falling.

My mind is not coming up with anything interesting to write today, so will call it finished.

Dinner tonight, pork chops, applesauce, broccoli, salad, and a chocolate mousse for dessert.

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