Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Late again

I get busy doing things during the day, sit down after dinner and then realized I have not done my daily post, so here I am better late that never at 7:30p.m.

Up early to get groceries, have you ever counted the number of times you  handle the products you buy. First, it is taken off the shelf and placed in your cart.

Second, out of the cart onto the conveyer belt,

Third,  at the present time we have to bag our own groceries, so we then put it in bags.

Fourth, take the bags out of the cart and place in the car.

Fifth, take them out of the car and into the house.

Sixth, take them out of the bags and place them in the cupboard, fridge, or freezer.

Seventh, take it out and prepare a meal with product.

Whew, I am tired just thinking about it.

Rant over!

We have had a cold wet day, you knDid a bit of sewing, and odd jobs around the house, nothing much to speak of just busy.

ow the kind that gets into your bones and you have trouble getting warm and staying warm.

I received a message from DD1 she and her hubby are on a staycation here in Ontario, not sure where exactly but, the photo she sent showed it was snowing where she was.  I hope she is way, way up North, and she keeps that stuff there, too early to bring it here.

Dinner tonight was chicken, gravy, spouts, made a salad, but too full to eat it,  thank goodness it is one that can be put in the fridge for tomorrow.  Chocolate pudding for dessert.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, the type of wet cold that gets into your bones and not even a hot shower afterward will warm you up. I understand it perfectly... and that weather is here, isn't it. Pooey! Here in Indiana the forecast for today was to have been a high of 41*F, give or take, and I believe they were right. It was downright cold. I'm expecting an early snow this year, long before it's officially "winter". Goes right along with the "mood" of our world, doesn't it. ~Andrea xoxo


Groundhog Day

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