Monday, October 19, 2020

Miserable and Guy

That sums up the weather today, cold and wet, so no sun in the forecast today.   We should be thankful I suppose as there are some areas that will be getting an early taste of Winter and getting some snow.  Thankfully, we will just have rain.

I remember when we came to Canada in 1954, my sister and I were going out with friends trick or treating on Halloween.  We had never know Halloween before so it was a great adventure for us.  As we were going around the houses of the village, it began to snow, not a lot but snow just the same.  In England, I can remember seeing snow only once in the 12 years I was there.  The teacher let us out of school so that we could play in it as she knew it would be gone within a couple of hours.   When I say it snowed, as I recall there must have been an inch or so, so not really considered a snow fall like we see now.  

No Halloween in England when I was a child. We always celebrated Guy Fawkes Night, which was on November 5th.  Guy Fawkes tried to blow up the houses of 1605, but was not successful.   As children we would stuff our Dads old pants and shirt, and made a face, ( I cannot remember how, but think it might have been a turnip), and he would be Guy.  We placed him in a wheel barrow and traveled around the village asking "A penny for the Guy", in hopes we would collect enough money to buy a few fireworks.   At this time of the year, mid October onward all the hedges of the farmers in the village would be trimmed, the cuttings were all brought to an area behind our house, we must have had the biggest spot for this, as I do not remember it ever being anywhere else.  All these cuttings were made into a huge bonfire, and on the evening of Nov.5th, our Guy would be placed on top, men had to use a long ladder to get him there.  When it was dark the bonfire was lit and Guy was burned in effigie.  If we had raised some cash we had bought some fireworks and set them off.   You have to remember this was shortly after WWII and there were still some rationing in place, so there was not much to be spent on entertainment, so we always looked forward to the villagers gathering together and enjoying the fire.  When I think of it now, we got a lot of enjoyment from the simple things in life, a lot different that now.  The good old days..............maybe/ 

We watched some things we had recorded this morning, not much can we done outside today, and I intend on doing some sewing this afternoon.

Tomorrow is my Hubby's 79th birthday, we do not buy each other gifts, our gift is each other, and we really do not need or want for anything, we are thankful to be healthy.  If we do we buy when it is needed.  I plan on making a Lemon Poke Cake, his loves anything lemon.  

Dinner tonight, left over meat loaf, cauliflower and broccoli, salad and fruit in jelly.

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