Saturday, October 31, 2020

clocks back tonight

Today is the last day of day light saving time, we gain one hour of sleep tonight.  I hate the thoughts of it getting dark so early it makes a long evening.

 Laundry and housework, took some leaves to the recycle depot, and I went for my walk.  Had to bundle up again the wind was quite chilly. Thanks goodness we did not have a repeat of yesterday afternoons weather. snow flurries.

Not much else happening today.

Dinner tonight, BBQ ribs, cauliflower and salad, Hubby will have dessert I am not having any tonight, starting early to not eat any to see if it helps with my weight loss.  I did have a lighter lunch today also and will continue for the month of November.

Friday, October 30, 2020


 Saw my eye surgeon yesterday,  in a couple of weeks I go for measuring and testing, then in Dec. my right eye will be operated on.  Then in Jan. the left eye will be done, then I should be able to see properly without my glasses for seeing in the distance.  Will need them for reading and close work, but I can live with that

Cloudy, sun, windy and cold, that is the mixture of weather today, and we might as well include some possible rain or heaven forbid some wet snow flakes.   Leaves will be needed to be picked up today for sure.

Update:  Just came back from my walk and it was  cold, I was  dressed for the weather so I was OK.  However, no sooner had I arrived back in the house, it started to snow not flakes but the small pebble's.  The grey clouds look as if they could hold more snow too.

Hubby is all bundled up and is picking up some of the leaves that fell during the past couple of days.  

Something hot and warming the body for dinner tonight, I bought some beef for a stew earlier in the week, so that will be on the menu for tomorrow.  

Dinner tonight: meat balls in sauce, butternut squash, potato and salad.  Not sure what is for dessert tonight. 

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Cloudy with a chance of meatballs

 No I don't think so, but cloudy with a chance of showers is the forecast, ruminants of  the hurricane in Louisiana and the other coastal states. 

Today I go to visit my eye surgeon to advise I want to go ahead of the laser surgery for  my cataracts, the first eye to be done will be the right eye.  It is going to be costly but, I need my eyes  to be the best they can be. Hoping for an early appointment to have it done at a private clinic.  

Not much going on in my neck of the woods today, the leaves continue to fall, however, there are some trees that have green leaves yet to change colour and fall.  Temps. are suppose to go down to the minus degree mark, tomorrow night, so they might bring them down all at once.  Then finally we can get them all picked up and call it a finish.

Dinner tonight salmon, veg and salad, will make a crumble with some peaches I have, so that is dessert for tonight and there might be enough left over for tomorrow.

Starting on Nov 1st I am going on a no dessert month, hoping to loose some weight along with the walking that I am doing.  I am not fat, but feel uncomfortable with the weight I am at the present time. The charts indicate that I should loose 10 lbs. to be at my desirable weight.  Ten pounds does not sound like much, but do you know how difficult it is to loose that amount at a late age.  Ten pounds.....a bag of potatoes,  I can do that.   

Wish me luck.

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Fast and Furious, Dream

That is how the leaves are falling from one of the maple trees on our property.  They are a beautiful yellow and with the bright sunshine we have today shining on them, the front guest bedroom is awash with yellow light.  Goes well with the quilt that is on the bed, as I turned it over to the backing side for the Summer.  Reminds me to flip it to the patchwork side soon.

A sad day today, our classic Mustang convertible was placed in storage for the Winter, it was hard to do on such a lovely sunny day, but it was much too cold to ride in it with the top down.  Look forward to another Summer of drives next year.

Dream,  do you dream?  I do, not every night but when I do I remember them in the morning, some are downright silly, some crazy but they are never scary like a nightmare.  Last night I went to a shopping mall, it was a huge one, and the thing I cant figure out is, I have actually been in this mall, but do not remember where or when.  The only way I could get around the mall was on a childs tricycle, and we could only go one way, (That is because of the markers on real life mall floors, I think).  I get to the end of a walk way, and have to go down a slide on the tricycle, there is no way on earth am I going on this slide, it was so steep.  I abandon the tricycle and some how end up in a freight elavator with a young woman wearing a white lace face shield, (again Covid related).  We keep going up until we see, out of the roof trees and the sky and then we go down again, never getting off.   Can anyone tell me what this dream means.  Am I going shopping, become ill and go to heaven with an angel?   Just kidding.  

Finishing this post, going for a walk in the beautiful sunshine.

Dinner tonight, left over roast beef, gravy, veg and salad.  Dessert has not even been though of yet but it could be fruit tonight.

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Late again

I get busy doing things during the day, sit down after dinner and then realized I have not done my daily post, so here I am better late that never at 7:30p.m.

Up early to get groceries, have you ever counted the number of times you  handle the products you buy. First, it is taken off the shelf and placed in your cart.

Second, out of the cart onto the conveyer belt,

Third,  at the present time we have to bag our own groceries, so we then put it in bags.

Fourth, take the bags out of the cart and place in the car.

Fifth, take them out of the car and into the house.

Sixth, take them out of the bags and place them in the cupboard, fridge, or freezer.

Seventh, take it out and prepare a meal with product.

Whew, I am tired just thinking about it.

Rant over!

We have had a cold wet day, you knDid a bit of sewing, and odd jobs around the house, nothing much to speak of just busy.

ow the kind that gets into your bones and you have trouble getting warm and staying warm.

I received a message from DD1 she and her hubby are on a staycation here in Ontario, not sure where exactly but, the photo she sent showed it was snowing where she was.  I hope she is way, way up North, and she keeps that stuff there, too early to bring it here.

Dinner tonight was chicken, gravy, spouts, made a salad, but too full to eat it,  thank goodness it is one that can be put in the fridge for tomorrow.  Chocolate pudding for dessert.

Monday, October 26, 2020

Dull Day

 Had rain over night and today looks as if it is going to be cloudy and dull, which is typical for this time of the year.   Some of the trees are looking very bare and grey,  the wild flower field across the street is void of any colour, it is just brown now.  Sounds depressing doesn't it, but it is like that every year, so I just go with the flow.  The snow does brighten the country side, and it would be OK with me if it stayed off my driveway and the streets and roads.  It does not happen that way though.

I feel for all those people who usually go to the warmer climes for the Winter, they will have a difficult time getting through any lock downs we might have and also the cold temps. 

I cannot recognize my sewing room fabric cabinet, it is so neat and tidy, will try and keep  that way. Instead of piling the fabric on top of each other I now have folded so that it stands on its end, why I didn't do it that way before, is beyond me.  I can easily look for certain colours or patterns a lot easier.  Will now continue to work on m GD5's quilt.

We received a message from the man who stores the old convertible in his facility for the Winter, he is now asking we take it to him as he is putting everyone's vehicle away.   That means all of our drives have come to an end, but I must say we did more this year than we have every done.  Mainly because there was not much else we could and also Hubby has not been working.   

Dinner tonight, left over roast beef,   not sure what veg. and a salad.  Not sure what dessert will be either.  For dessert last night we had pumpkin pie that I made for Thanksgiving earlier this month.  I froze what we didn't eat, (never did that before) pleased with the way it thawed.

Thanks all from me today.

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Slow Sunday

We have a bad habit of watching TV late on Saturday nights,  therefore we tend to sleep in a bit longer than maybe we should, but at this time of the year and in the troubled times at present there does not seem to be any need to get up and get moving.  Now, we do get up at a reasonable hour during the week, leaves to be picked up and last minute chores outside before the cold weather sets in.

Yesterday I did a deep clean in the living room, so feel happy about that  I am still  working on the fabic in the sewing room and it is beginning to look more organized.  If you are a quilter reading this, how do you sort your fabric stash?

One of my Mother's cousins who lives in England has been working for years to compile the family history of my ancestors.  The information he is providing is so interesting, he has it going back to the 1600's now.  When  we were adults we asked Mum many questions regarding family mainly because we did not really know any of them.  My sister and I came her as 10 and 12 year olds and at that age we were not interested in family.  Now this cousin is asking some questions we are having trouble answering, now wishing we had asked more questions, but unfortunately it is too late to do that.   So, if you have questions you would like to know about your family, and you are able to do so, I would suggest it be done before it is not possible to do so.  

Today is a mix of sun and cloud, mostly cloud, temp went down to 1*C last night, could be  seeing 7*C today for a high temp.  Not looking forward to next weekend, we put our clocks back, then it will be so dark in the evenings.  

Dinner tonight, roast beef, broccoli, butternut squash, salad and I have some pumpkin pie in the freezer so will see how that kept since Thanksgiving.  

Saturday, October 24, 2020

Different than yesterday

Woke this morning to 4*C quite a difference from yesterdays  high temps.  The storm we had last night was not as serious as had been predicted, for us anyway, hope it was the same for the whole area.  We did have almost another half inch of rain and some high winds which brought down a lot of leaves.  Today is sunny, but more rain for the rest of the weekend and into next week.

Hubby is outside at the moment gathering leaves with the lawn mower which has a bagger on the back.  So much easier that raking.

I am tidying my sewing room, I have two projects finished and which doing that my sewing room becomes a messy, before I start on my DG5 quilt it needed to be cleaned up.  Sorting fat quarters into colours and trying to do the same with large pieces too, it makes it so much easier when looking for a certain fabric.

Dinner tonight, BBQ ribs, squash and salad, not sure what dessert might be today

Friday, October 23, 2020

Window view

Posting a lot later than I had hoped to do, but here I am.   

Today was a glorious day, sunshine and temps feeling like 28*C, a perfect day to get the last minute chores done, because we are forecast rain and more rain for the next few days.  Hubby cleaned out the gutters at the front of the house, the ones in the back are covered with a left protector as they are much too high for anyone to reach.  I watched to make sure he did not fall from the ladder, don't know what he expects me to do,,, catch him....I told him I was there to call 911.  He had a good laugh about that one.  We then had our last lunch on the balcony then took in the furniture and removed the awning  for the Winter.  It was such a beautiful day we went for a short drive, possibly the last one in the convertible.  We we were returning home the radio weather forecast indicated we would be getting severe thunderstorms  and a possible tornado early this evening, and as the clouds were being to come in, we decided to make it a direct trip home, instead of a scenic one.

As I am writing this, 6:45 p.m. it is raining, thunder and lightening and high winds, weather man was right for a change.

Hubby cooked a steak for dinner before it rained, it was so good.

Went to my quilting meeting last night to celebrate 20 years we have been getting together.  We were going to do such fantastic things to celebrate but due to the virus we really had to tone it down.  We all had a good night with friends, so that was good.

So, here is the view from my window this morning, it is our back yard.  To the right is a long shaded garden, to the left there is a hillside garden, with shrubs, perennial flowers, a few rocks and some annuals that bloomed in the Summer. 

Thursday, October 22, 2020


The weather forecast on the news indicated we are in for a wet week.  Oh well, can't do anything about it can we.  The rain brings down a lot of leaves, so more picking up is being done every day, just so they don't  get too thick on the ground, it makes it so much more difficult to gather them.

I will hopefully get a lot of sewing done in next few days.  Working on a quilt for my GD 5, I started it some time ago but put it on hold to finish another one that had a deadline to be completed.  

Not much going on here today, except I have a quilting meeting tonight which I am looking forward to.

Tomorrow I will be starting to show a monthly photo, which I will call  "outside my window today".  I will take the photo from the door which opens to our balcony, any other window faces neighbours houses or the street so not very interesting.  Having said that, if there is anything of interest I will  use the front porch.

Dinner tonight:  beef on a bun and salad, not sure of dessert yet.

Wednesday, October 21, 2020


 We were up at 6:00 a.m. to get our groceries yesterday, worked all day doing this and that any other.  I went for a walk and Hubby picked up leaves, then we took them to the recycle depot.  

Stayed up to watch the late news, and therefor a late start this morning because we were both so tired.  Obviously not much got done this morning.  I needed to take my 20th year challenge quilt to one of the members today, so that it can be set up along with all of the others for the meeting tomorrow night.  While in the same city I had a visit with my  DD2 and GD 5.  Then picked up some things I needed from a department store.

While visiting to my DD2 I  told her about a call my Hubby received from his youngest brother who lives in B.C.  It came through my phone on messenger.  Now you have to remember I am of the old generation and not too familiar with all this electronic stuff.  We discussed all the things that are possible on my phone and she showed me how to do it, I have only used it for calls and texting,  OH .......I can do so much, going to have a lot of fun with all this stuff.  All my GD could do is roll her eyes.  LOL.

There was another 1/2 inch of rain the gauge again this morning and it was still coming doing right up until mid morning.  After lunch the sky cleared and we had a mixture of sun and cloud for the rest of the day.  Temp got up to 17*C so it  turned out to be a nice day.

Dinner tonight, pork chops, applesauce, asparagus, mushrooms, sprouts  and we finished the fruit in jelly for diessert.

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Better today

Yesterday was down right miserable, however, it did stop raining during the afternoon long enough for Hubby to pick up some leaves from the neighbours  lawn.  Raining again when we went to bed.  Today is looking a bit better but it is still cool.

Happy birthday to my Hubby.   On his first birthday after we met our found the perfect card, on the front it has a sepia coloured picture of the lower bodies of a woman and a man.  You can tell by the dress and the pants they are older people, not slim and trim like young adults.  The wording also on the front says, "You gave me the reason to love again".  Perfect words to express my feelings.  He in turn found a perfect card on  my birthday.  As they were as perfect as each could be, we do not buy new cards each year just add another entry.  We have been doing that since 2015.

I went for a short walk yesterday, not my usual one as it would have been just to wet and muddy.

Plan on doing some sewing this afternoon snd then helping Hubby empty the trailer full of lesves at the recycle depot.  My compost containers are all full

Dinner tonight, chicken, brussels, and a salad. and an apple blossoms, ( Its a puff pastry shaped like the petals of a flower with apple inside)  ice cream and and B-day candle.

 That is all from me today.

Monday, October 19, 2020

Miserable and Guy

That sums up the weather today, cold and wet, so no sun in the forecast today.   We should be thankful I suppose as there are some areas that will be getting an early taste of Winter and getting some snow.  Thankfully, we will just have rain.

I remember when we came to Canada in 1954, my sister and I were going out with friends trick or treating on Halloween.  We had never know Halloween before so it was a great adventure for us.  As we were going around the houses of the village, it began to snow, not a lot but snow just the same.  In England, I can remember seeing snow only once in the 12 years I was there.  The teacher let us out of school so that we could play in it as she knew it would be gone within a couple of hours.   When I say it snowed, as I recall there must have been an inch or so, so not really considered a snow fall like we see now.  

No Halloween in England when I was a child. We always celebrated Guy Fawkes Night, which was on November 5th.  Guy Fawkes tried to blow up the houses of 1605, but was not successful.   As children we would stuff our Dads old pants and shirt, and made a face, ( I cannot remember how, but think it might have been a turnip), and he would be Guy.  We placed him in a wheel barrow and traveled around the village asking "A penny for the Guy", in hopes we would collect enough money to buy a few fireworks.   At this time of the year, mid October onward all the hedges of the farmers in the village would be trimmed, the cuttings were all brought to an area behind our house, we must have had the biggest spot for this, as I do not remember it ever being anywhere else.  All these cuttings were made into a huge bonfire, and on the evening of Nov.5th, our Guy would be placed on top, men had to use a long ladder to get him there.  When it was dark the bonfire was lit and Guy was burned in effigie.  If we had raised some cash we had bought some fireworks and set them off.   You have to remember this was shortly after WWII and there were still some rationing in place, so there was not much to be spent on entertainment, so we always looked forward to the villagers gathering together and enjoying the fire.  When I think of it now, we got a lot of enjoyment from the simple things in life, a lot different that now.  The good old days..............maybe/ 

We watched some things we had recorded this morning, not much can we done outside today, and I intend on doing some sewing this afternoon.

Tomorrow is my Hubby's 79th birthday, we do not buy each other gifts, our gift is each other, and we really do not need or want for anything, we are thankful to be healthy.  If we do we buy when it is needed.  I plan on making a Lemon Poke Cake, his loves anything lemon.  

Dinner tonight, left over meat loaf, cauliflower and broccoli, salad and fruit in jelly.

Sunday, October 18, 2020


Yesterday, was a busy day, so did not get around to posting anything, today is catchup day.

 SHOWER, BABY SHOWER, it was for my grand nephew and his wife's baby which is due in December.  I don't know if showers, either wedding or baby are different  in this day and age to when I went to them about three or four years ago. BUT   I am not referring to the pandemic, and how it has changed the way functions like this are held.  Everyone to this event was invited via FB, and I get that it is the NEW way, and everyone is asked to either say they attend or not.  I get that.    No offence to anyone reading this if they live in a country setting, and I know people have different ways of living in rural Canada.  I had to travel for an hour and a half to get to this shower, no problem with that, but it will give you an idea how far this house I had to go to here in Canada was.  By the way, it was a beautiful drive, sunny and the colours of the trees was absolutely beautiful.   So back to the shower, all the gifts were piled in the living room, but everyone sat in the kitchen, usually in the past the prospective Mother sits in a special chair and is the centre of attraction, not yesterday, if you did not know her you could not have guessed who she was.   "Mum" did not open one single gift, and I get that if there is an issue due to COVID, but say so.   If you wanted to partake of any of the luncheon, you had to get it yourself, I also get that and if you wanted a "thank you" card you were required to complete your address on an envelope.  I knew only a handful of the women there, and after 40 minutes I was ready to leave and so I did.  Is this the new way of having a shower, or am I just and old,  old fashioned woman?  I am not a stuffy city resident, even though I live in a city,  I have lived in the country, but I was really surprised with the way this shower was conducted.   As I mentioned previously, no offence to anyone living in the country.

SHOWER THE WET KIND, to day is damp and quite cool and we have been having light showers all morning, with rain starting later today, and continuing for three days this coming week.  I can see some serious sewing being done.

Hubby picked up more leaves yesterday, and a neighbour asked him if he would do her leaf pickup and also for her son who owns the house next door to her.  He has been diagnosed with cancer,  and is unable to do it.  Hubby said of course, so he will be busy for the next week or more.

Dinner tonight, not sure yet what it will be, but we do have jelly and fruit for dessert.

Friday, October 16, 2020


 Yesterday was grey, cold, windy and very wet, it rained all day long, miserable day.  On days like that I do not have much ambition, so it was a lazy day.

Today, is a different day altogether, albeit still cool, but we do have sunshine and no wind.  When the ground dries up a bit the chore will be to gather up all the leaves that fell.  They are falling fast a furious now.  But having said that, some trees have yet to start changing colour, so the picking up season will be long.  We put some of the leaves in my compost container and the majority of them go to the recycling depot because there are so many.  And, of course, some blow from other properties as those people do not pick them up on a regular basis like we do.

Hubby is now outside taking the cribbing off some of the cement work he did recently on the drive way.  Over time some arears had broken and the freeze and thaw of Winter, caused the water that gathered in the cracks make big holes.  

My horoscope today said that I had to get necessary jobs completed before I could do something that I really liked doing, so housework first and then some sewing.  Yesterday I did finish the top of the challenge quilt for our guild.  The reveal is going to be next Thursday, looking forward to see what everyone has done with the required elements we had to incorporate into the quilt.  We will also have a reveal of the musical challenge we were to have done back in March, and of course, that never happened.  It is the 20th anniversary of the guild this month, so a little celebration will also take place on Thursday.  But, only if the numbers of virus cases remain low.

Dinner tonight, will have to think about that for awhile as I am not sure yet.  Fruit in jelly for dessert.

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Yesterday's walk

 The Autumn leaves this year appear to be so much more vibrant that I have seen in years.  Even the oak trees that is usually drab and brown in colour, this year they have yellow and orange leaves.   I can never resist the opportunity to take photo's, so I took my camera with me for my walk.  I have added a couple of pictures.

Photos never do justice to Autumn's splendor.

The house next door has been vacant for almost a year, the elderly lady who lived there had to go into a nursing home, her son lives a couple of hours drive away, so it is not very convenient for him to do the upkeep in the garden and lawn.  He asked Hubby if he would do it, so he has been cutting the lawn all Summer and is now in the process of picking up all the leaves.  There are several maple leaves on that property, so a lot of leaves to be removed.. That is what Hubby is doing ast the present time.

It is a beautiful day, cool this morning but the sun is shining, weather is suppose to change tomorrow and be wet.

Dinner tonight left over roast beef from Monday, potatoes, gravy broccoli, chocolate mousse for dessert.

Tuesday, October 13, 2020


Yesterday I did finish the binding on the baby quilt and here are a few photo's of it.  (Picture Heavy.) 

The colours are a little washed out as I took it in the bright sunshine, so here are some closeups of a few of the blocks.

I also had some retail therapy to get a gift bag for quilt and did some errands.  Went for a walk, and took more photo's but they are for tomorrows post.  Helped Hubby pick up some leaves and we took them to the recycle depot.  That was my day.

Dinner tonight was chicken, mashed potatoes, gravy, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, and pumpkin pie for dessert.

Monday, October 12, 2020

Happy Thanksgiving

 To all my Canadian readers, Happy Thanksgiving, hope you are all well, and enjoy your day no matter what you are planning, whether it be staying in your bubble, going for a walk or what Hubby and I are doing, staying home.   We are cooking a prime rib roast, mashed potatoes, cauliflower, rolls and salad, pumpkin pie for our dinner tonight.

Early this morning we had a grey looking sky, but the sun is trying to shine, still cool, but that is to be expected at this time of the year.  

I am going to be 79 years old next month and I believe I have a wisdom tooth emerging.  I thought it might be an abscess, but no if feels like a tooth.  I guess I am getting my wisdom really really late in life.  Not too happy about the prospect of having to have it removed.  I hate dentists with a passion,    

 Worked on the baby quilt I am making, should be finished with the binding today, so will post a photo of it tomorrow.  The shower is this coming Saturday, not sure about meeting people that are outside my bubble, so will wear a mask, and keep my distance.  It is an open house shower, so not everyone who has advised they are going to attend will be there all at once.   Will play it by ear once I get there.  It is a long drive, about an hour and half one way, so hope it is a pleasant day to see some of the beautiful trees that are in their prime colour at the moment.

Well I should close this post and get that meat out of the fridge and get it ready.

Have a lovely day.

Sunday, October 11, 2020


 It was cool when we got up this morning, but the sun was promising to shine, and shine it did, as we have had a glorious day, albeit a bit chilly with the wind and when you were in the shade.  So it is BEAUTIFUL.

 I have just returned from my walk and trees are all dressed in the Autumn finery, so it was a BEAUTIFUL walk.  Took a couple of photos with my phone, oh how I wished I had taken my camera, do not like taking pictures with my phone find it too frustrating.

This photo does not do this tree justice, the colours were more vibrant that they look.  Tomorrow if it is like to today I will take my camera and retrace my steps to take more photos.

Also I my walk I passed two fire hydrants,  in Canada we know when Winter is on our door step when the extension arms are attached to the hydrants, so they can be seen in the snow.  Don't want to even think of the "S" word today.

Baked a pumpkins pie for tomorrow, it looks BEAUTIFUL, had some pastry left over, so baked some blind tarts shells which will be filled as needed. 

Also sewed the binding on the baby quilt, just have to had sew it on the back side of the quilt and it is done. 

Dinner tonight, BBQ ribs, baked potato, brussels and salad. and one or two of the tarts filled will a chocolate mousse.

Saturday, October 10, 2020

Thanksgiving weekend

Monday in Canada is Thanksgiving, usually we have family over for a big turkey dinner, however, this year it will be just the two of us.  We bought a prime rib roast for dinner for Monday and tomorrow  I will be making a small pumpkin pie.   I have not made one for a long time, it is not my favorite, but I like it once in awhile.

Today is looking like it is going to be a lovely day, already the temp is 19*C and we have sunshine and no wind to speak of.

Yesterday I went for my walk and enjoyed the weather as it was a nice day too.  Hopped on the scales this morning, hoping to see a change,  NOPE did not happen this week.   Could it be the chicken burger, French fries and onion rings.  YEP.  will have to cut that out if I want to loose a few pounds.  Keep telling myself not to give up, keep walking and don't eat as much, however, sometimes I just do not listen.  

I follow several blogs and some of them today are mentioning there is not much to blog about in their world due to restrictions from this virus.  Feeling the same thing I am afraid.   

Dinner tonight the pork chops we were suppose to have last night, broccoli, salad and dessert? no, no, no Patricia.

Chat tomorrow.

Friday, October 09, 2020

Bright morning

Woke to the sun rising, it is looking like a beautiful day in the making.  The next two days are forecast to be almost Summer like.  Sunshine and temps in the low 20's, I will take it.

So what to do today, there is still some tidying to do in the garden, that is on my list to do, also empty window boxes and pots that had the tomato plants in.  

Another walk is also planned, trying to loose some extra pounds before the Winter sets in as I have a tendency to gain weight due to the inactivity.  

The some trees are becoming more colourful every day, but having said that, there are a few that have not begun to change and maybe they wont.  The wind we had a couple of days ago, brought down another shower of nuts off the Beech tree, hope they will soon be all done falling.

My mind is not coming up with anything interesting to write today, so will call it finished.

Dinner tonight, pork chops, applesauce, broccoli, salad, and a chocolate mousse for dessert.

Thursday, October 08, 2020

Up late

Hubby has been home from his work now for  seven months due to the virus. It could end up being retirement.??  ( He drove a para transit bus in the city, which takes disabled people to appointments, Dr. visits, groceries, etc etc.   Due to the nature of this work he would have been exposed to many people and at the beginning of the pandemic there were not a lot of PPE 's for the drivers.  He would get up at 4:00 a.m. to get ready and drive across the city to pick up his bus and pick up his first  passenger.  Up early meant going to bed early, so he did not see a lot of programs on TV.  So that brings me to "Up Late".  Now the evenings are getting  dark early, we watch TV starting around 8:00 or 9:00 p.m. and see the news and some of the late night programs, sometimes not going to bed until 1:00a.m, if we watch some of the shows we have PVR'd .  To get our seven hours of sleep we get Up Late.  Do you watch a lot of TV in the Winter months?   What time do you usually get up.?  

Sunny first thing and then some clouds moved in and we have had a mixture of same for the balance of the day.  Not as cold as yesterday and certainly not as windy.  Tomorrow and Saturday are forecast to be beautiful days.  

Just had my two miles walk and sitting down with a drink and writing this blog.

Earlier today I cleaned the rec room it was not bad just needed to be freshened up.

The plants I brought in the for Winter still look as if they are going to survive.

 Cut the fabric for the binding for the baby quilt will sew it on later today.

Dinner tonight, shaved beef on bun, cauliflower and broccoli and finish the salad from yesterday.  Not sure what's for dessert.

Wednesday, October 07, 2020


We had showers overnight and into the morning, and it cleared somewhat, so now we have a mixture of sun and clouds. However, it is very windy, bringing down small branches from the trees across the street.  Its coming from a north west direction so it is a cold one, even though the temp is 17*C.  Will be busy picking up leaves and the never ending beech nuts tomorrow.

Yesterday was the perfect time for me to plant 50 daffodil bulbs, now I cannot wait until Spring to the the rewards of my efforts.   It is, however, a long way off I am afraid. Today  I do feel a few muscles that I did not know I had.

Cleaned the entire basement of the house today.  We live near a University and in the past my Hubby rented two rooms and a kitchenette to students. we still have those rooms in the house.  They are not used much these days, so a few cobwebs accumulate, so today was the day for a full clean.  Where do those pesky little spiders come from anyway.  Opened windows for some fresh air, so not all spic and span.

Hubby had a successful Dr's appointment yesterday, but does have to go back again next week  for a minor surgery that can be done in the office.

Going into the sewing room after finishing this post.

Dinner tonight, salmon, asparagus and a salad, fruit and jelly for dessert, might just include a dollop of whip cream. 

Tuesday, October 06, 2020

Grocery day

Up at 6:00a.m. to get to the grocery store again today.  If something that we used on a regular basis and is on sale we usually buy several.  This week there were a lot of things, so the bill was just a tad high.   The only things we need next week will be eggs, milk and some fresh fruit and veg, the cupboards and freezer are full.

Today is a bit milder even though there is a brisk breeze, so time to plant those daffodil bulbs.  The marigolds are still looking very nice, so will leave them in until the frost gets them.

The pots of geraniums I brought in to over Winter seem to be doing OK. If necessary, I can always take additional cuttings from the two plants I also brought in for the Winter.  

Hubby just left to go see his Dr. he has several moles that look as if they might need looking at.  In the past he has had several burned off of his back, so it is nothing new.

My son started  a new job yesterday, Technical Systems Engineer, for a company that processes  utility meter readings and billing etc. There is an office in the city he lives in but he will be working from home.  That can't be easy.   He has been out of work for most of the year, not because of the virus, but from what I understand, he and his boss did not see eye to eye, and the boss won.  He is at an age where it might have been difficult for him to get a new job.  Luckily he did.

Dinner tonight, chicken, rice, broccoli and salad.  Fruit in jelly for dessert.

Have a great  day. 

Monday, October 05, 2020


Woke up to a little fog but the sun soon burned it off and we had a mixture of sun and cloud all day.  Temp got up to 14*C  so it was an alright day.

 Today was a day to do errands, first to a nearby city, (the one in which I use to live), to pick up a baby quilt that a member of our guild was quilting for me on her long arm.  Oh, it is adorable, even if I do say so myself.  She quilted letters of the alphabet and numbers because the fabric I used had letters and animals on it.  I will post a photo when I have put the binding on.

Then to get some fuel in my car, it is always so much cheaper than in the city I live in.  Every time I  am there I get the tank filled up.

On to the audiologists, my rechargeable hearing aid batteries died on me a couple of weeks ago, since then I have been using the regular ones but they  need to be replaced about once a week or so.  The rechargeable ones are charged during the night, last all day and I will need to replace them next year at this time.   

Home in time for lunch, then off for a two miles walk.

Tidied kitchen and washed the floor. 

Prepared dinner ........Phew

and now sitting down for five minutes writing my blog and looking at e-mails..

Sunday, October 04, 2020

Grey day

 Looks as if we had some rain overnight and showers continue this morning and it is cool only 8*C thank goodness there is no wind which would make it very miserable.

Had a nice visit with DD1, SNL, GD2 and four of her children yesterday.  We were all outside during the visit to celebrate Mia's third birthday.   Mia is a beautiful little girl and loved the new pink clothes we gave her,  It is  her favorite colour, who doesn't love pink.  The maple tree in the back garden is loosing all its leaves, so a great time was had playing in them and stuffing clothes for a scare crow.  Where they get all of their energy is beyond me, guess I forget how active my kids use to be.  We sat under an enclosed canopy because, the wind was cool, so it was quite comfortable when the sun came out and warmed the canvas walls.   Ice cream cake with candles and she blew all of them out, there were some additional candles as DD1 had her birthday Sept 30, it was delicious.  

Making arrangements with my long arm quilter to pick up the baby quilt she has done for me.  Hopefully I can do that tomorrow, while Hubby is at his Dr. appointment.  Note to self....remind him to ask about flu shots.  

Roast beef for dinner tonight I think, along with some cauliflower which needs to be used and also a butternut squash, salad and dessert not sure yet, something light is in order.  Fruit in jelly, sounds good to me.  

Chat tomorrow

Saturday, October 03, 2020

Sunshine...once in awhile

Today is a better day than yesterday, more sunshine, however, there are the ever present clouds.  Not being wet, it actually feels warmer than yesterday, even though the temp is cooler.  We were forecast a frost last night but in our area we did not get one.

Just finished lunch and then going to get ready to go to my DD1 for cake and ice cream for my great grand daughter who will be three on Oct 5th. 

Hubby wants to cut the lawn, however, it is still too wet from the rain we had yesterday.  Hopefully it will dry and it can be done tomorrow.  It is getting long as he has not been able to get it done due to the wet weather we have been having. 

Not much else going on today, not even sure at this point in time as to what we are having for dinner.

Chat tomorrow

Friday, October 02, 2020

Grey and Wet

 It has been a cold wet day, pouring with rain as I write.   Nothing happening outside, so another sewing day for me.  

It is suppose to be cold tonight so the geraniums I potted up a couple of weeks ago came into the house this morning.  I do not need to bring them in and save over the Winter months, because I have local garden centers where I can buy them, I believe I need to nurture something and plants are it. The ones I have are a lovely coral shade they looks nice in the garden along with the phlox during the Summer,

Not much else doing today.

Dinner is left over night, we have some ribs, pork roast, broccoli, to be used up and I will make a fresh salad.  Dessert should be something healthy but, we are going to have an apple blossom.  I bought them last week, its apples in a flaky pastry already cooked just have to pop them in the over to warm them,  ice cream sounds good too.  Dinner sorted.

Chat tomorrow.

Thursday, October 01, 2020


This morning we have some lovely sunshine, however, the forecast is indicating increasing clouds and rain and thundershowers this afternoon.

Because of the forecast I decided to do my walk this morning, and also took a new route.  Usually I walk in the neighbourhood, but went though the fields opposite our house.  These fields are owned by the University, I am sure they are slated for buildings in the future, however, at the present time they have been planted with wild flowers.  Since the Spring they have had flowers blooming, at the present time it is full of the yellow Goldenrod and purple Aster's.  All of the Queen Ann's Lace is finished as are the Black Eyed Susan's/  After everything has been hit with the frost, everything will be cut down.

This area is home to a lot of wild life, deer, rabbits squirrels, birds and insects.  Today I interrupted a hawks lunch, a rabbit, the hawk circled around until I had moved some distance away.

I like walking at this time of the year its not hot and love the smell  and the crunch of the leaves, there are a  lot of them turning colour now and falling.  Years ago when we were allowed to burn our leaves, I loved the small of those too.  

Yesterday we had a lot of rain in the afternoon so it was a sewing time for me, wanting to finish the challenge quilt, should get it finished today, so that I can get on with one for my GD.  

Not sure what is for dinner tonight, we do have some left over roast pork to use up, broccoli and salad sounds like it might be that today.  I made a blueberry crumble and there is some of that left over. 


Today is the first day of Spring, but don't get your hopes up for Spring like weather just yet.  We are still in March, anything and  ev...