Monday, January 31, 2022

New month tomorrow and the start of a new me.

I do not like how I looked in the mirror this morning, here a bulge, there a bulge, everywhere a bulge bulge, ( add you own "Old MacDonald  had a farm music").  SO.. I am not going on a diet, I don't stay on them, I am, however, going to make a real conscious effort to know what I am putting in my mouth.   Giving myself to lose, at least five pounds during the month of Feb.   

Lovely day for doing the errands I needed to do today, very little traffic about, even with some of the restrictions lifted.  Just fine with me, got it all done in a short period of time, and did everything I wanted to do.

Made some chili and some soup this afternoon, so freezer filled up with some nice warming meals in the future. 

What did we do before freezers and microwaves?   Years ago and I am talking a lot of years ago, late husband and I enrolled in a freezer plan.  It was a contract plan, you had to purchase a plan suitable for your family and you could make out your list of frozen foods the company provided and it was shipped on a regular basis.   If you followed the contract they would "give" you the freezer as part of the plan.   We thought it would be a great way to provide our family with a lot of food, which it did.   But......when you calculate the amount of money we were spending on the food compared to the grocery store, well we were shocked to say the least.    We were paying for the "free" freezer as well as the food.   We paid off the freezer and got out of the plan as soon as we could.   We were young and learnt a lesson very quickly.   The microwave came much later, I was almost afraid to us it as everyone expected it to do you great harm.  We even had sensitive strips you could buy to place between the door and the unit it see if any of the waves were leaking out.   I used it mostly for heating foods.

Not much else done today.

After a foggy early morning, it froze on the trees and covered them with a white glaze, we had a nice sunny day, but temp struggled to go over the zero mark.   Maybe, tomorrow if the forecast is correct.

Late posting today, it is now 7:30 p.m. time to wind down for the day.

1 comment:

  1. Cooking for a diabetic it should be much easier to lose a few pounds yourself, eh? When you serve him up his meals, adhering to the diabetic diet, just make yourself a plate that looks the same. My Dad was a diabetic and my mother never cooked, baked, or made anything he couldn't eat as well. So if you try doing that, maybe there won't be things in the house to tempt you. Good luck. It gets easier as the days go by. ~Andrea xoxo


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