Friday, January 14, 2022

Where did this week go

 Friday, already!!

Again, it was so dark this morning, we didn't wake until shortly after 7:00 a.m.  but that is OK, nothing on the agenda that is pressing today.

Hubby picked up the mail this morning and said we had some freezing something falling, a combination of rain and snow.  Lovely, slippery again.    With the mild temp we had yesterday the roads were clear of ice and packed snow, so easy walking, without the fear of falling.  

Mail? I swear the posties leave all of the junk mail, until they make their deliveries of Friday,  that is all we seem to get at the end of the week.   On January 11th I received a birthday card from my long time friend in England, my birthday is in November.  I sent an email thanking her for the beautiful words on the card and  received an email from her this morning and she mentioned the card was mailed on November 5th.  must have taken the slow boat as it took two months to get here.  Usually, I received mail from the UK faster that getting mail from just 200 hundred miles away.

I did get into the sewing studio yesterday afternoon, sandwiched the quilt, pinned it and started to quilt it.  I can't do fancy quilting on my sewing machine, so just do straight lines.  I like how it is looking so far.  It is difficult to manage as it is over five feet square, but slow and easy gets it done.  Photo, I promise when it is done.  This quilt is one our guild members made blocks for, myself and another member were paired up to put it together.  My partner works in the medical field, so I have decided to do it all myself, as I know she must be very busy.    

Did not feel quite myself yesterday with tummy complaints, better today.  

Dinner tonight, the stew I made a couple of days ago.  Not sure what else, if anything.

As I mentioned previously, not much going on today, so will get busy......doing nothing much.


  1. I'm sure you will accomplish lots, you are so energetic. I did manage a short walk today and it wasn't too slippery underfoot. I was determined to get out as the weekend is to be very cold. Brrr!

  2. Cooler here (mid 20s*C) but still humid. I would love something freezing falling from the sky (was it sleet?)
    Can't wait to see your quilt.

  3. If mail is there like it is here the mail carriers have specific days when they get all the junk mail to deliver and believe me they hate it even more than we do. Stay warm and enjoy your doing nothing day! :)


The world of white

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