Friday, January 28, 2022

Another sunny one

 It may be sunny but it is damn cold, has not warmed up much, only two degrees from when we got up to now 2:30 p.m.  so thermometer still reading -11 *C.

As we were cleaning up from dinner last night red flashing lights and sirens from three large fire trucks were coming down our street and stopped right at the end of our driveway.  Are we are fire and do not know it?   No, as the firemen finally, I guess they found the house they were looking for and it was one next door.   We neither saw nor smelt any smoke,  but could see  an extractor fan going in the front door.   Then a household piece of something came out, we could not see it until this morning, it was a kitchen stove.   We are assuming the man who lives in the house was cooking and possibly fell asleep to be awakened by the smoke detector  alarm. He is a loner, almost never home due to his work, he was a Canadian astronaut some years ago, and he travels a lot to California from what he told us last summer.   Everything must have been OK as the fire department left a hour or so later.

Had a Zoom meeting with my quilting group last night, we are hoping we might be able to have an in person meeting in February.   

Spring cleaned the bathroom this morning, got rid of outdated stuff, and have a few items to add to the box for the charity shop.   All the drawers and cupboard done, all that needs to be taken care of now is the shower and window curtains, they will be washed tomorrow.

Dinner tonight, fish not sure what else but I am sure something will be on the table. 



  1. A bit of excitement on your street - glad it wasn't too serious but that is a bit scary that it can happen so fast.

  2. Good to see a quick response and glad no one was hurt. Fires can spread so quickly.


The world of white

In the city where I live we have been fortunate to receive only light dustings of snow, compared to places further north of me.  However, th...