Monday, January 17, 2022


When we went to bed last night, the snow had just started  to fall, woke this morning to about six inches which was being blown around with high winds.  Blizzard conditions, as the morning progressed the snow stopped falling but we still have the winds blowing the snow into drifts.    Hubby did get out and cleared off the driveway, may need to do it later, time will tell.  The city snow plow has cleaned off the street but, left a pile at the entrance of the driveway.  

We decided not to visit my sister due to the weather forecast, it was a beautiful day, here but cannot rely on it being the same at her location.  Speaking with her this morning, she has twice as much snow as we have.   We are looking at going later this week, hoping the weather forecast is going to be better than today.   Hubby enjoyed his football game and I did some sewing.  

Continued with more kitchen Spring cleaning this morning, I need to get some drawer liners, even after giving them a good wash, they still look a bit worse for ware.  Tomorrow I will clean out the cupboards where we store the cans and the one with the packaged dry food.   When that is done the floor can then be taken care of.   

Salmon for dinner tonight, not sure what else at the moment.


  1. Massive amount of snow here, best to just stay home. My little battery operated snow blower was just not up to the task. Daughter is coming over after work tomorrow to help me get the driveway cleared.

  2. I can't imagine what it must be like to live where travel is so dictated by weather conditions. I hope you get to see your sister soon.

    1. We are planning on Friday for a visit, if the weather holds.


The world of white

In the city where I live we have been fortunate to receive only light dustings of snow, compared to places further north of me.  However, th...