Monday, January 10, 2022

Grips of Winter

Minus 15 *C tonight is the forecast low.    I am so glad we have central heating now and what I have for a long time.

Reminds me of the days when we came to Canada,  from southern England and experienced out first Winter.   We lived on a farm in the country, could not see our neighbours in any direction, so we were isolated.  Certainly not like the village we came from.    The house was small and back in the '50's I don't think they knew about insulation in the walls, so it was wooden lap on the outside and plaster in the inside.   Storm Windows, what were they?  None existent in this house.   There was an oil heater in the middle of the living room, doors kept open to heat the kitchen and two bedrooms.  

The loo, was a little wooden house with a moon shape in the door to let in light, I swear this loo was a 100 feet from the house.  At night, there was no quick dash to go outside, we had that big "goesunder" (SP)? in the bedrooms.   

Insulated boots, coats or hats, no!.... most everyone wore lined blue jeans and numerous sweaters,  coat, scarves, gloves, hats many layers to keep warm.   We had a lot more snow then, compared to what we have now.   We made it through that first Winter, and many more after, while we were in that house.  Moved to a bigger farm and bigger house which was insulated, storm windows an inside loo and better heating.   We thought we were in heaven.

So now, I am thankful I had those miserable Winters, and they were miserable, as now I can look back and realize how fortunate we are to have such modern conveniences to keep us warm and comfortable, cool and comfortable.    

COLD yes it is, but there are so many "street people" that try to find a warm place for the night.   This city has a lot of facilities for people to get in out of the cold, thank goodness.

Well, I am late posting today,  dinner tonight was BBQ ribs, green beans and small baked potato.   

Now, I am going to watch some mindless program on TV, or maybe something we recorded.

Hope you are warm, if you are experiencing Winter and cool if you are in the midst of Summer.


  1. I loved-loved-loved reading about your first winters on the land, Pat!! Please talk about those times more, when you get a hankering, would you? ~Andrea xoxoxo

  2. It's great to see you haven't romanticised those early days as memory often leads us to do. The good old days weren't always good.


The world of white

In the city where I live we have been fortunate to receive only light dustings of snow, compared to places further north of me.  However, th...