Sunday, January 16, 2022

Look Up

 As I look up at the beautiful blue sky this morning, it appears to be a beautiful Spring or Summer sky.  Lowering my eyes, there are bare trees and the grass is covered with white snow.  It is still  January.   So today, I am going to continue to look up.   It is cold again, down to -14*C last night and as I write "computer say's" -9*C.

That quotation reminds me of a TV show I watched several years ago.  It was a British show, and no holds were barred, how they were able #1. to put it on TV and #2 not kill themselves laughing making the show, I will never know.   Also, brings back to memory "Mrs. Brown's Boys"   I would have tears running down my face laughing at that show.   Even the actors on that show had to redo several scenes because they were laughing so much.

Slow Sunday, Hubby will be watching football game this afternoon, and I will be sewing.   We were planning on going to see my sister today, to give her a Christmas gift, but have decided to go another day due to the game.  What am I giving her?   I bought an amaryllis bulb in a kit which  includes the soil and pot,  due to one thing and another, I have yet to give it to her.   A couple of weeks ago it was looking very sad to say the least, so decided to pot it up.   It is growing and looking fine even has the makings of a flower.  Will deliver it in the coming week, if the weather holds.

So that is for me today, stay warm, or cool, above all stay safe.


  1. It's beautifully sunny but cold (24*F) here in Indiana. I'd ditch a football game in favor of a family visit any day... but that's just me. Don't wait too long to see your sister... tomorrow may never come, as the old saying goes. ~Andrea xoxo

    1. She lives 1 1/2 hr. drive away, we need to keep an eye on the weather, can't depend on it being nice for the time we will be out.

  2. Mrs Brown's boys is one of my favourites. The British make good comedies. They don't take themselves too seriously. I hope you got your visit.

    1. No we did not get to visit, she lives an 1 1.2 drive away, we are 80 yrs old and need to keep out eye on the weather, cannot depend it being nice here and nasty where she lives. Now looking at later this week.

  3. Best to stay home for the next couple of days as forecast is not good.


The world of white

In the city where I live we have been fortunate to receive only light dustings of snow, compared to places further north of me.  However, th...