Tuesday, February 01, 2022

Pinch Punch the first of the Month.

 February, heart month.  

This is the month I give a donation to the Heart and Stroke organization.   My Dad had a small stroke, Mum had a heart attack and late husband had heart problems and finally triple bypass surgery.   Money well spent in my opinion.

This month is also the month of love.  So thankful I have found love again with my Hubby.   I will be getting a trinket on Valentines day.   How do I know, because he asked me to chose something and he ordered it.   In the six years we have been together not one argument has been between us, heated words, of course, but not directed to each other.  

The sun we saw when we got up did not last long, the temp is on the plus side today, however, now it is cloudy, in preparation for the blast of snow were are forecast to get during the next couple of days.   Now January is finished, I am hoping half of the bad part of the Winter is over. 

Yesterday, I needed to do some errands and ended up in W for the vitamins we take, so much cheaper there than the drug store.   I always walk into the seasonal dept.  and garden seeds were on display, had to pick up some Asters, I love the colours of those flowers late in the Summer.  Time for me to take a garden fix and walk through a garden centre.

I bought my sister B an amaryllis in a kit which contained the bulb, soil and pot, I had intended to give it to her for Christmas, but that did not happen.   It looked very sad in the box, so decided to plant it, it grew and was getting quite big, so a couple of weeks ago we visited her and took the plant.  Yesterday, she advised there are five big red blooms out and two more yet to bloom.  Glad it turned out so nice for her.

Dinner tonight, chicken and veg. dessert.....no


1 comment:

  1. A lovely way to remember people you have loved.
    As you are looking to warmer weather I am hoping we have a cooler light at the end of this unpleasant tunnel. We are never pleased, are we?


My week and disappointed

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