Thursday, February 10, 2022

We are having a heat wave

 Yesterday after I had finished my post and published it, I noted the temp had gone up to 9*C during the afternoon.    Did not feel that mild though due to the cool breeze.   It was nice to have a day when there was no minus mark in front of the number.   We can expect flurries of snow today and cooler temps but, next week over the zero mark again.  Positive  thoughts for an early thaw.

I have been downright lazy today, absolutely done nothing of any consequence, only helped Hubby with some computer stuff, he has very little patience for the computer.   He is a paper person, from his teacher days I am sure, and that was before the computer days.   He has only been using the computer for a couple of years, so doing quite well actually.

Tomorrow I will be going to look at wall coverings, have not looked for that kind of thing for many years, so not sure what is out there at the present time.  If the web sites of some of the stores are any indication it appears I maybe in for a long search for just the right one.  If the house was mine, paint would be on the wall.

Dinner today, finishing the ham we had last night, not sure what else, something will be on the table.



  1. Painting is certainly easier than hanging wallpaper. But the wall has to be in pretty good nick.

  2. Lazy days are good days, after a lot of activity. I'm going the same thing today. :-) We're enjoying warmer temperatures as well. Spring isn't too far away. Enjoy your weather too. ~Andrea xoxo


The world of white

In the city where I live we have been fortunate to receive only light dustings of snow, compared to places further north of me.  However, th...