Monday, February 21, 2022


 We watched the Olympic closing ceremony yesterday, not as nice as the opening, the end ceremony is never as colourful as the beginning.   It was OK.   We did see a lot of the events and Canada did well getting quite a lot of medals, well done.  I do wish the Paralympics would get the exposure the regular events get.  Those men and women have obstacles that have to be overcome first , then train ever harder to get to the olympic level of competition.   

Finally, Ottawa is getting back to normal, not saying anything more.

Did a lot of sewing yesterday, so happy with the way the blocks made so far are looking, hope the nursing home will feel the same way.  Want to have it done for Easter time if I can.

Hubby goes for his eye appointment on Wednesday, and there just happens to be a fabric shop right next door, so while he is with the doctor, you know where I will be.  Just need a couple of things, but you know how fast those yards /metres of fabric jump into your basket, when you are a sewer.  I am trying to use up fabric I already have, that is what I am using for the nursing home quilt.

Another sunny day with mild temps, however, soon it will change to rain.  We will then end up with a slushy mess and flooding.

Have a wonderful Monday.  


  1. Yes, flooding is a distinct possibility given the piles of snow everywhere. I was out today (it was nice, wasn't it?) digging a channel for the runoff. There's a drain in front of my neighbour's house so I hope she has it cleared!

  2. Yarn finds it way into my basket. I don't accept receipts as they are evidence!

  3. Have fun at the fabric shop on Wednesday. Buy to your heart's content, my friend.... life is short. :) It is raining and thundering here in northern-most Indiana. Spring is definitely in the air. ~Andrea xoxoxo


The world of white

In the city where I live we have been fortunate to receive only light dustings of snow, compared to places further north of me.  However, th...