Friday, February 11, 2022


 As we all know the year is made up of four seasons, Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter.   However, here in the part of Ontario where I live and I am sure in other parts of the country, we have five seasons.   The four mentioned above, plus "Pothole" season.

As I was walking to get the mail yesterday it looks as if the pothole season has started.  So what is a pothole, those living in countries where the Winter weather is very cold, so cold it freezes the soil down three feet or more, know.    It all starts with the salt and sand put on the roads to combat the build up of snow on the roads.  During the day when the sun is shining and the temp is getting milder, the water from the melting snow gets into the smallest cracks in the asphalt on the streets.  At night this water freezes and expands in the crack.   As cars drive over the road they disturb the asphalt  and it breaks away from the crack.  Over time this repeated process makes the crack a hole, the hole gets bigger and bigger, deeper and deeper.  Some holes are so big they damage your car.   

There usually is a website, don't know what it is, people report the worst streets and roads for these holes so they can be avoided.   When all of the frost is out of the ground, road crews repair the holes, some do a good job, others, well less said the better.

We woke to snow this morning, which could change into freezing rain or just plain rain depending on the temp.   A messy day for sure.

As I was sitting blogging to  my friends, a Carolina Wren started singing his/her song.  They have such a loud song for a small bird.   We are hoping it stays in our garden this year.

Just the basics done this morning, going out this afternoon to look at paint and wallpaper, was going to do it yesterday, but it never got done.

Dinner tonight, salmon, a veg of some kind, and finish the salad we had last night.


  1. As we were coming home from my tattoo appointment yesterday, my husband said the same thing about the potholes. They were horrible! Yep, a 5th season, for sure. Try hitting one on a motorcycle. Egads!! ~Andrea XOXOXO

  2. Certainly makes me drive quite a bit more slowly when they appear. Here we have a hotline to report growing potholes and they get filled pretty quickly. Also our local newspaper has a columnist dedicated to getting things fixed around the city. He is quite effective in persuading the "powers that be" to look into problems like potholes and deal with them.

  3. Our potholes are more due to poor maintenance by the road authorities. In rural Victoria they are talking about reducing the speed limits rather than repairing the roads.


The world of white

In the city where I live we have been fortunate to receive only light dustings of snow, compared to places further north of me.  However, th...