Saturday, February 26, 2022

Do you ever

 Do you ever feel you have been deserted or forgotten?   

My answer to that question is ....Yes.

I have three children, two sons in-laws and one daughter in law, six grandchildren, four of whom have a spouse, two continuing their higher education, and six great grandchildren.

I know they are busy,

I know we have had a rough two years with Covid.

I know I made a choice to move on with my life after being alone for four years.

I know I am happy with this choice.

I know I am old, 80 years.

I know I am not a burden to anyone.

I know I can take care of myself for the necessities

I know I also have the luxury of being  able to give money to family for birthdays and to the charities I support.  Also, I can buy anything I want without having to count the pennies.

I know .................

Technology has replaced phone calls!!!.   Text nothing for me, I might just as well be receiving a message from a stranger.  Facetime or other ways of seeing someone and talking over the internet seem to be something family  have forgotten I can do.

I know I could be initiating contacts, and I have done, but no follow up calls from anyone.

Do you ever....

I know there are many people who are suffering for different reasons and you could say be thankful, which I am. But, my little piece of earth  is not very happy at the moment.

Thanks for listening feel better after this vent.

Dinner tonight, liver, bacon and onions.  veg not sure what yet salad. Still have enough fruit in jelly for our dessert.


  1. That is a sad comment on the current times. Yes, they are busy but an occasional contact is not hard to make. I have got used to receiving texts from my grands (probably at the instigation of their mother) so I take it in good spirit and make the most of it.

    1. My argument is...they all seem to have countless hours of tapping their fingers and thumbs on a phone, what they look at is beyond me, but no time for a call.

  2. Pat, vent away. Sadly you are not alone. As I get older (and I am 'only'65) I feel I am becoming invisible and unimportant. Our youngest is pretty good but the other two are busy busy busy. The hurtful thing is they have time for the other sets of parents. Yay for blogging friends, I say.

    1. Yay for blogging friends is right, I blogged a few years back then quit but got back on here recently. It really does help to vent and get things off your chest.

  3. Im in exactly the same position. I never get phone calls, texts, or a thank you from the grands for gifts. Mine sure weren't raised to be this way so I don't know why they've turned their backs on Mum.


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