Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Appointment, fabric and ice jam pics.

 We left earlier than we normally do to travel to the eye clinic for Hubby's appointment, Why, the weather was nasty, snowing quite hard, cold and windy.   We  arrived in plenty of time and the roads were not too bad.

While he was seeing the Dr. I visited the fabric shop next door to the clinic.  This one I have never been in before and Oh My Goodness, wall to wall fabric.  Sections for quilting cottons, upholstery,  dress making curtain and drapery.  Patterns and gadgets for all types of sewing.  Sewing machines of all sizes.  Very helpful staff  in all departments.  I will definitely be going back in there again, he has another appoinment in April.  Whoop, whoop.  Not the whoops because of his appointment, but for me to browse this store.  

We stopped for a bite of lunch before heading home.  Out of the house for six hours and it nice to get back home where it is nice and warm.  

I mentioned the ice jams and one of my readers wanted a photo.  These are not my pictures, but those posted by various people.

This first photo is one of the piles of ice on the river.

The lift bridge was opened so not as to be damaged by the ice.
This last photo is one of the ice mounds that form on the beach of the lake.   People were walking on them, they are not very stable and if you fall through some soft ice. no one could save you.

Have a great day.


  1. Did you manage to restrain yourself in the fabric shop? Quite impressive photos of the ice jams. They are bad here too where several rivers flow into Lake Ontario.

    1. I tried, however, half and metre of Lite Steam a Seam 2 and four metres of fabric did end up walking out of the store with me.

  2. Those ice jams are very impressive and quite scary looking. I would like to think no one would be foolish to walk on the ice mounds but obviously not.


COLD --------- and------- NEWSPAPER

Today is bitterly cold due to the Polar Vortex in this area, and it is suppose to be the same until Wednesday when it is suppose to warm up ...