Thursday, April 01, 2021

Not funny

April 1st. April Fools Day.   If Mother Nature is pulling a joke on us today, I am not laughing.  We woke to beautiful sunshine, -3*C and windy.  Within an hour the sky had turned black and it looked as if we were going to be getting the snow which was predicted.  Now, however, it looks as if that cloud went north of us, so we are in the clear at the moment.   Our weather is very changeable in the Spring so we can expect almost anything.

Yesterday, I decided to clean out the kitchen cupboards, so Hubby suggested we purge some of the contents.  When I moved here, I brought a lot of things with me, at the time I just could not get rid of any of it.  Hubby had lots too, but it has got to be a little too much, so yesterday was the day.  At the present time I have a couple of boxes of dishes etc. on the dining room table waiting for family to claim some of it.  My youngest grand daughter needs some pieces for when she goes to University in September and another grand daughter is setting up an apartment with her boy friend so some of has been spoken for the rest will go to the charity shop.  Honestly who needs three toasters.  There is one more cupboard that will be done today and then the kitchen will be take care of.  Next on the list is the dining room.  Then I will take a break of cleaning out, until we are able to get these things taken to their new owners.  Plus it will give my poor legs a rest, climbing up and down a step stool all day, is hard on my legs, which I must admit have not been doing much exercise recently.

My birthday book quote:


She who from April dates her years,

Diamonds should wear, lest bitter tears,

For vain repentance flow; this stone,

Emblem of innocence is known.

Birthstone: Diamond.

Dinner tonight,  Pulled pork, veg and salad.  Dessert is yet to be decided.

1 comment:

  1. I think Mother Nature finds herself very funny in the spring with all the tricks she pulls. I decluttered my home back in February, what a job! Glad the grands can use some of your stuff. Dinner sounds delicious. Have a great evening!


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