Wednesday, April 07, 2021

Bird Baths

 We have another glorious sunny warm day, so decided we would not get any really cold weather at this point in time, anyway, not cold enough to cause the water to freeze in the bird baths and break them.  So a good clean with a brush and water, all three of them are now ready for the birds to bathe.  I love watching the birds, especially the robins, they just love having a bath.

Worked out in the garden yesterday, picking up stray leaves and pulling weeds.  It was so nice to be able to work with no heavy outerwear, just shirt sleeves and light weight pants.  More and more flowers are starting to bloom,  Hubby's niece gave me some magenta coloured primroses which are starting to look beautiful as more and more of them flower.

The smell of the leaves, takes me back many years when friends and I would pick the yellow wild primroses in the hedge rows in England.  We would pick bunches for our Mothers and I would also pick one for a great aunt.  Mum would give us some yarn to tie the bunches together and we would attach them to a stick and carry them home like a hobo would carry his possessions.

Today, is two weeks since our vaccination, so we are protected about 92-95%, from the virus.  Not much will change as far as masking etc. just nice to know some protection is now there.

No thought has been given to dinner yet, but I should get busy and do that.


  1. Glad you are having beautiful weather and I love hearing your childhood memories. It's funny how the sight or smell or things can zip us right back to childhood. Yay for being fully vaccinated! My husband finally just got his first one today and my first one is tomorrow. It's a start at least. It hasn't been easy here in Florida. I'm sure whatever you decide to whip up for dinner will be lovely. :)

  2. I misled you, we have only had once vaccination, but had to wait the two weeks to become fully effective. We get our second in July.


The world of white

In the city where I live we have been fortunate to receive only light dustings of snow, compared to places further north of me.  However, th...