Thursday, April 15, 2021

Taking a rest

 Finished the living/dining room cleaning yesterday, happy that is done, now going to do some "me time" today and do some sewing.   

During a facetime with my youngest grand daughter last evening, I was able to give her some of the dishes etc from the kitchen and dining room that we no longer need.  She will be going to university in the Fall, so needs a few things for her dorm.  Later today, I am gathering up some extra linen and towels we do not need for her also.  

We are now back to normal temps for April, which means low double digits for the daytime and low single numbers for the night.   Woke this morning to grey skies and it had rain during the night, as we were having breakfast, that rain turned white.....SNOW,  just a few flakes thank goodness.  These temps will slow down the growth of things, just hope we do not get a killing frost.  

Hubby broke the frames on his glasses this morning, and insisted on trying to repair them himself, as a result,......... he needs to get new frames.   Trying to get the same style to fit his lenses may cause a problem, so he may have to have an entire new pair of glasses, fames and lenses.  As a result of trying to help him repair the glasses, not much has been accomplished this morning.  

Now going to get some lunch and then go into the sewing studio and get some work done there for the afternoon.

Dinner tonight,  good question, should go and source something out of the freezer, it almost feels like a roast of beef day, something to smell good in the kitchen and knowing a lovely meal will be ready for dinner time.  Add some squash, broccoli and a salad.  Yep! dinner decided.  

Well I am off.



  1. Glad you are taking some time for yourself today. Sorry about hubs glasses, that's never any fun. I just did the same thing not too long ago. Enjoy your day! :)

  2. Isn't it funny how we can talk it out and then pretty soon we know what our next meal is going to be? Chatting with friends solves a lot more problems than just loneliness. So glad your granddaughter has a little piece of "you" to take with her to school. ~Andrea xoxo


The world of white

In the city where I live we have been fortunate to receive only light dustings of snow, compared to places further north of me.  However, th...