Sunday, April 04, 2021

Happy Easter memories


Today is beautiful, sunny, and getting warmer as I write.  What I mean by warmer, is temps near 10*C. hopefully, it will be even nicer during the afternoon. 

My daughter #1, will be putting out chocolate Easter eggs for her grands today, which bring back a memory of when I did it for my grands years ago.  It was a day like today, pleasantly warm, sun shining, and I started to hide the little eggs all over the garden.  They all arrived early a frost with a low temIt had melted all of the chocolate, so you can imagine the mess these little ones were in.  The eggs, or I should say blobs of chocolate were placed in the freezer, but only after some of the grands faces were all covered with this gooey brown chocolate.  They thought it was great fun,  the parents, not so much.  

Oh! I am on a roll with memories today, when the girls got a little older I purchased small straw hats, flowers, little birds, butterflies etc. from the dollar store, gave them some glue and they made their own Easter bonnets.  They had a lot of fun and they all looked great.

We went to daughter #2 for dinner last night, we were reluctant to go, however, after discussing it between ourselves and her, we felt we could go with no problem.  We had a lovely meal, and conversation, face to face conversation, it was so nice to do that.   My grand daughter 23 years, is volunteering with an assistant, doing research for a paper they are writing.  She is doing this until the first of May when she starts working on her Masters.  The youngest grand daughter, 18 years is getting anxious to start her first year of aviation training.  She is currently updating her safety requirements on line.  

Today, we are going to dev a socially distance visit Hubby's daughter in law,  it was her birthday yesterday,  

I went for a half hour walk yesterday even though the wind was cold, it felt good to be able to get out and not freeze to death.  I will do the same again after lunch.

Dinner tonight, roast beef, veg, salad dessert, I brought home a couple of pieces of the carrot cake from dinner last night, so that is desert all taken care of.

Have a lovely day, today, doing what ever your plans are.

1 comment:

  1. Love the memories and glad you had a nice time yesterday. Not much planned here today. We had our little socially distanced family get together yesterday. Happy Easter!


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