Tuesday, April 06, 2021

April Showers bring May Flowers

 Showers yesterday afternoon, and it was quite cool.  The forecast is indicating warmer temps but, again showers for almost every day this week.

We did not have a lot of rain, however, the grass is looking better already, so with additional moisture this week, we will be cutting it soon.

As I have mentioned in the past this kind of weather does nothing for my energy levels, so a very laid back day yesterday, I did get quite a bit of sewing done.   Hubby had an eye appointment and needed to do some errands so he was busy doing that.

Early morning grocery run again today, did not need a lot of things this week, as we had in the past stocked up on a lot of the specials of things we use on a regular basis.  Mostly fresh veg, fruit, milk, eggs and juice were needed today.

Each week we purchase a couple of lottery tickets, not big winners, but for the past couple of months we have won a bit of pocket change and some free tickets.  Waiting for the big one, but that is not likely to happen I am not lucky at all.  Do you buy lottery tickets.

Dinner tonight is our usual chicken, so not much preparation needs to be done today. 

1 comment:

  1. Rainy days are definitely lazy days. It's time to start cutting the grass here again too. By next month it will need to be done weekly. Good luck on winning the Big One. I always say we should play but we never do, just don't think of it I guess. Enjoy the day! :)


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