Saturday, April 10, 2021

Gardening in the sunshine

The weather yesterday was nothing like the forecast of rain and clouds.  It turned out to be a beautiful day. Sunny and quite warm, so we had our lunch outside again.

The front flower bed needed to be cleaned from stray leaves and weeds that have started to grow already, so that was my task to the afternoon.  It is looking a lot better than it was.  All of the perennials are doing well,  hope the rabbits stay away from the phlox this year, the deer also like the tender leaves.  Got a bit sunburnt doing this garden work.  I turn brown overnight, however, it is a farmers tan.  I just don't have the body I had years ago, you know those "wings" that seem to grown as the years pile on,  that would allow me to wear something different than a T shirt doing this work.   

Hubby is out raking up the stay twigs and leaves etc off the front lawn.   Our hedge is showing some green leaves, the lilac is also.  Looks like Spring is here.

Not much else on the agenda for today,  it is just like any other day.  I am feeling some of the side affects of the garden work, so will take it easy today and do some sewing.  Hubby will watch some of the Masters golf this afternoon I am sure.  It brings back some great memories for me, as my son was chosen in the lottery in 2011, to purchase four tickets for a practice round.  His son was unable to go, so didn't want the ticket to go to waste, so asked me if I wanted to go.  I jumped at the chance and spent a lovely vacation with my son, DIL and grand daughter.  We went to the Masters, then to a condo on Hilton Head Island.  Great time was had by all.

Dinner tonight, BBQ ribs and we have very left over from yesterday, so just need to make a salad. We have one cherry turnover left, it might be eaten for lunch, so need to do something for dinner.


  1. The trip to the Masters with your son & family sounds like it was absolutely wonderful, Pat. Memories... they keep our bones warm. ~Andrea xoxo

  2. So glad you had a nice day in the garden. It's therapeutic isn't it? At least I always think so. Your trip sounds like it was wonderful. I hope you have a nice relaxing day and enjoy those delicious leftovers this evening. :)


Some of it is gone

During the last week of February, we had a mixture of weather.   Cold with snow, a little warmer with rain, some welcome sunshine and back t...