Sunday, April 18, 2021

Verte, glas, midori


That is the colour I see when looking out of my window.  Trees coming our in leaf with every shade of green imaginable.  The grass,  plants in the garden, putting forth their spiky leaves to get the most of the suns rays.  

GREEN is my favourite colour, not sure why but, believe it is due to my love of plant life of all shapes and sizes.  I must have at least one live plant in my house at all times, not just because they are add a decorative touch, but they also help clean the air.   African violet has bloomed again, some lovely pink flowers are showing through the leaves.  My Christmas cactus is going wild with new growth, not sure if it is the banana infusion water I have been feeding it, or if it is just what they do in the Spring.  In any case it has never done it before but, I am happy it is growing now.  Also, there is the Dragon Cactus,  it is so ugly it is beautiful.  It looks like a pit of  writhing snakes coming out of the pot.  It does sound ugly, now I have described it to you.  When it was bought the tag indicated it would have pink flowers, still waiting for those.  

What is your favourite colour?

The geraniums which are have over Wintering in the house are full of blooms, again, as a result of the banana water??  Also planted some tomato seeds that were saved from last years crop, only two have started to grow but they are enough plants for us.  

Hubby gave the grass across the street its first cut yesterday, I think he was just itching too get out and do that job, he likes riding on the tractor, which he has just repaired, so also believe he wanted to make sure it worked as he had hoped, and it did.  Now he is ready to mow all of the lawns we have.  It takes him about two hours to do it every time it is cut.

We have a lovely sunny Sunday, but it is still cold, which is the normal weather to expect at this time of the year,  we were spoiled a couple of weeks ago with the unseasonably hot weather.

Not sure what is on the menu for dinner tonight, I am sure to come up with something.  There will be a lemon poke cake in the oven shortly, so dessert taken care of, with some put in the freezer for desserts later.  I would love to go our for dinner, but that is not going to happen for a long time I am afraid. 



  1. I love having plants in the house but have a kitty that will chew on them. Since many are poisonous to cats I don't keep them inside anymore. I would love to see some photos of your pretty plants, even the Dragon cactus. Have a lovely Sunday!

  2. I'm with you, Pat... I'd love to go out for dinner. Our 45th wedding anniversary is next Saturday and the thought of not going anywhere for the 2nd year in a row is a yucky feeling. We're not big into anniversaries or anything but... it would be nice to have an excuse to go someplace nice to eat. *lol* Green is probably my favorite color too because of the great outdoors. Yes, everything is greening up beautifully. I can't wait for warmer weather to go along with it. ~Andrea xoxo


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