Monday, April 26, 2021

My mind is blank

Sitting here on the computer for a few minutes this morning, as I normally do after I have done a few necessary chores.  Cannot seem to come up with a title for my daily post, so what you see is what you get today.  Not much of anything really.

The weather today, is cold but, the sky is blue and we have a lovely sun shining, who can ask for more?  Well, it could be a bit warmer in my opinion.  Mid week it is possible that may happen.

Hubby picked up all of  the cutting he took off of some invasive shrubs in the field across the street, then took them to the recycle depot.  At this time of the year it is open on Sundays for a few hours, so he took advantage of that.

I did some sewing on the placemats for our guild project, finished the tops of six, so now I need to sandwich them with some batting and backing, quilt and then bind them.  Members are asked to make two per month until November, but I am trying to make all of mine now, so that I need not be inside sewing during the warm months of Summer.  

We had two yellow finch at the feeder this morning,  we hope that they will bring back some of their relatives this year,  we had very  few come last year, there must have been a lot of  seed out in the wild.

Waiting for a couple of weeks before the Oriole feeder is put up, then the next feeder to be put out will be for the Humming Birds.

Dinner tonight, might be pulled pork on a bun and salad.  

For a blank mind, I seemed to have been able to ramble on.


  1. Sounds like you've both been productive. Smart to get the sewing done now while. I hope that warmer weather arrives this week. :)

  2. Just dropping in. Note that you do like birds with the yellow finch and putting up the Oriole and humming bird feeders. We have Orioles here too and they are a brillant yellow with black nape. Not sure if the Orioles there are similar. We do not have humming birds but do have lots of magpie robins. I am a bird watcher n stay at home mum.

  3. Boa tarde, parabéns pelo seu blogger, sou o um novo seguidor e gostaria de lhe convidar a seguir também.


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