Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Where did Spring go???

 I guess it was a very short season this year, because we had an inch and a half of snow over night and it is cold.  My poor flowers in the garden are looking very sad this morning, all hanging down with the weight of the wet snow.  The temp is not suppose to get very high today, so do not expect much melting to happen.  I am just glad this came now as it would be devastating if it came when the fruit trees were in blossom.  

My father always said that we would get two snow falls in the Spring before the frogs and toads were croaking with their mating calls.  If, he is right, we can expect one more, hoping he is wrong this year, as I have had enough of this weather.

Not much else is happening here today, Hubby is wondering what he going to get up to today.  Me I always have my sewing to fall back on if I have nothing else to do.

Next week I have two great grand daughters  having a birthday, one will be nine and the other two, will miss any celebration again.  Cards were popped in the mail for them.   I do not like buying things on the internet, so will wait until we can go into the stores again to buy their gifts.  I give clothes, I know, not a very exciting is it, but I leave all of that for Mum, Dad and grandparents to do the exciting gifts.   Thinking I might take the nine year old with me to the stores so she can choose what she wants, she is good at picking out nice things to wear.  I have no idea what is in style for youngsters these days.

There are a lot more birthdays coming up during the month of May too, so hope I will be able to do some gift buying then.

Dinner tonight, going to conjure up something from the meat sauce I have leftover from the spaghetti we had a couple of nights ago.  Some veg and salad will round out the first course, dessert, we have another serving each of the chocolate mousse I made last night, so that is all taken care of too.


1 comment:

  1. So sorry to hear spring is MIA, hope it warms up again soon! Meanwhile wishing it would cool down a bit here for a while longer. We're back to having the house closed up and AC running day and night. I miss having the nice fresh air. Oh well, I guess we all make the best of whatever we get. Have a great day and enjoy that chocolate mousse this evening. It's been years since I've had that and it sounds heavenly!


The world of white

In the city where I live we have been fortunate to receive only light dustings of snow, compared to places further north of me.  However, th...