Saturday, April 24, 2021

I love flowers

In the garden, also in my house.

This past week we had some really cold wintery weather, but the days have been improving since then. Every morning I go out just to see what is poking it's head up through the ground, did the rabbit eat those day lily leaves again?  Did those transplanted lilacs survive?  Oh! good those clematis cuttings are growing too?  That is my ritual, yesterday I spied a new daffodil blooming, raising the bloom the centre trumpet was a beautiful colour, never have I seen one like it.   It must be a rogue  bulb in the package I bought last Fall.   Not knowing how reliable the weather forecast is, and I didn't want it damaged by any frost, I picked it, and  now enjoying it in the house.  

The tomato seeds which were planted about three weeks ago have sprouted two plants, which are doing well.  Also, the marigolds are sprouting too.  The geraniums are a riot of colour, so I am a happy indoor gardener for a few weeks, until I can get out and plant them out in the garden.  

Yesterday, I did some much needed housework and did some weeding in the back garden.  Hubby has been a self imposed lawn mower and tree trimmer in the field opposite our house.  If he did not do this work every year we would be looking at a forest of shrubs, long grass and dandelions.   Several people thank him for making sure the public footpath is trimmed.  The dog walkers must like it too, as they always pick up after their pets.  Well, except for a couple who let their dogs off leash and don't know where they squat. 

Laundry in process, and later today I will be pulling more weeds.

Dinner tonight, taco's for two.  It is a new packaged taco kit especially prepared for two people, which is just perfect for us.  First time using it, so will see how it is.  Dessert? not sure yet, maybe a jelly with some fruit.

Will have to start thinking a little differently regarding meals starting next Saturday, as I have decided to go on a diet, not a strict one, but I really do need to loose some weight.  I am not fat, but just feel uncomfortable in my skin and if I don't do something now, those Summer clothes which I always say shrink over the Winter, will not fit.  Wish me luck.  

Have a wonderful weekend.

1 comment:

  1. That daffodil is really gorgeous! Good luck with the diet. Enjoy the weekend. :)


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