Friday, April 09, 2021

Lost Post!!

 I wrote a post for yesterday, did I forget to publish it, or did it get lost in the world of the internet?  

Yesterdays post was about the absolutely gorgeous day, it was as hot as some Summer days we have.   The temp went up to an official 25*C but ours went up to 27*C.   Lunch was outside, and we could have sat there for a lot longer than we did, however, not wanting to get sunburnt we reluctantly came in.

We are also back in lockdown/stay at home emergency status due to the increase number of covid cases.  All of the stores that sell food as well as other things can only open the food areas to customers.  Costco and Walmart have all of those aisles blocked off with skids of product wrapped in shrink wrap.  Even the Dollar stores are not allowed to sell any other product other than food.  Actually this is a good idea for two reasons, it puts all of the stores selling food on an even keel, and  it restricts people going into these store for more than food, cleaning and health care  products.  This emergency measure is in place for 28 days, hopefully,  this along with the vaccine the numbers will improve.  

All of the university students that can return home have been asked to leave the university.  They are being tested and if they have a negative result, they can go.   If they have a positive result they quarantine for two weeks and then go.  All of those who cannot go home, ie: international students are being kept in one of the dorms.  All the classes and exams are going to be done on line.

Our lovely sunny days have unfortunately come to an end for awhile.  We had rain overnight and the temps are now in the high teen range, still higher than the norm for this time of the year. 

We have now received all of the information required for our income tax to be prepared by our  accountant so Hubby worked on getting them all in order yesterday.  

He then cooked a steak of the BBQ which was delicious.

Tonight dinner, being Friday, Salman, not sure what else, but there will be a salad  of some kind included. I made some cherry turnovers yesterday, and we have some of those left, so dessert all taken care of.

Today is a good day to get some more cleaning done as nothing can be done outside as it is just too wet. Will also get into the sewing room sometime this afternoon.

1 comment:

  1. How weird. You did publish it because I commented on it!


Some of it is gone

During the last week of February, we had a mixture of weather.   Cold with snow, a little warmer with rain, some welcome sunshine and back t...