Thursday, July 15, 2021

Tomato Sling

No!... we are not throwing tomatoes.

We have five tomato plants on our patio, I have mentioned this before, however, two are the beefsteak variety and the tomatoes are getting quite large.  One even fell of the plant, don't know if it had help from a deer or just too heavy to stay there.   We have been thinking a support of some kind should help them grow to maturity.  What to use?   The perfect solution.......used surgical masks.....Oh my goodness they worked perfectly.   Recycle and reuse.

We have a hot and very humid day, with thunderstorms predicted for later on today.   As I write the clouds have now covered the sun and the wind is blowing... you know.....the kind of wind that bring rain, so the forecast is looking right, at least, at this point in time. 

The bird world must know there is going to be a change in the weather, as they have been coming to the feeders and bird bath as we were eating our lunch.  Getting filled up before they need to take cover.   

We are been watching the Shark programs on TV this week, we have learned so many things from this program, wish there were more like it, focusing on other  species.

Had an appointment with Dr. this morning just to get something checked out,  all is good, don't need any health issues, so a load off my mind.

I was working in the garden yesterday and got told off by Hubby for doing the hard work I was doing,  He took over the job and finished just before our dinner.

By the way,  the steak dinner was delicious.  Tonight is going to be hot dogs, brown beans and a salad, the last of the strawberries for dessert.


  1. Great idea to use the masks! I always enjoy the shows during shark week too. I would love to see more like that that focus in depth like that on different species too. Glad all checked out ok at the doc. Have a great evening!

  2. Good you found a way, to support those delicious tomatoes!

    MMMMM, I am too much of a wimp, to watch Shark Week. We watched some but..... Wimp!!!!! LOL

    He is right. Let him do the really heavy work.

    Seeeee, I am not a Radical Feminist. Regardless of what the **woke** people say, men and women are built differently. Let those with more muscle, do more muscle work, say I.

    Hooray for a good doc appointment!

    🌺 💖 🌺


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