Sunday, July 18, 2021

100% better

The weather and me are a lot better today.

Let's start with the weather,  after a morning of dull cold miserable rain, the sun made its's  way through the clouds and it ended up being a lovely afternoon.  Today, we have more sunshine, however, the humidity is building from the rain yesterday.   The mosquitoes are getting quite bad  from all of the standing water around.  We change the bird baths daily to avoid us from contributing to the problem.   When they bite me, I use the Benadryl  spray, it works wonders on my bites, but I need to use it as soon as possible to avoid those nasty itchy bumps.  It's better than taking a tablet internally.

Now me.  as I mentioned previously I went to the Dr. as I had had a problem with some pain for about three weeks.  I will not bore you with any more details, however, since that visit the pain has all but disappeared.  Making me think I was in the most part, worrying about  it  which caused it to  feel as if it was getting  worse.  The mind does some strange things.  Anyway, feeling a lot better about the issue.

Today, we are as immunized as we'll ever be, which is a good feeling.  Looking forward to doing more and not worrying as much as we were.   I hope one of my granddaughters and her Hubby  will get theirs soon.

I don't normally talk about religion but today will ........I don't want to offend anyone reading this but, I need to vent, as I do not understand the reasoning, you may, and I respect you for that.  

The above mentioned GD and her Hubby, he is a religious man,  have not received even one of their shots and both are eligible to do so.  Their ages are in the age group that are contracting the Delta variant, which is more serious than the previous one.  I worry about them.

GD had, years ago a reaction to a tetanus shot at which time she needed to get some medical attention, I can understand her hesitancy in getting the Covid vaccine, however, talk to a Dr. and find out what, if any reaction she could encounter.  I don't believe she has done that.  I worry about her.

Her Hubby on the other hand,  believes that his health is in the hands of God, and therefore is not getting the vaccination.  I worry about  him.

If these two had only themselves to think about I could accept their decisions, however,  they have a family, a family of five children.  These children are all under the age of the cut off age for the vaccination, so they cannot be vaccinated.....yet.  But will they when they can?  I worry about them. Further, I do not understand why this Covid vaccination is any different than any other vaccination.  Both of these adults have had other shots for different illnesses. .I know the vaccine was produced in an unbelievably short period of time,  tests have been done, and from everything I have read or heard it is no more dangerous than other shots we have all had, however, we do not know the long term effects. But................

If, these two become ill or even worse because of their decisions, who will feed, clothe and educate and look after these children.  Five  children are difficult to care for, for Mum and Dad, let alone a Grandma and Grampa.   I worry for all of them.

Enough said, thanks for listening to my venting.

Dinner tonight, a repeat from yesterday, as we have leftovers from a roast of pork, additional veg and a salad. 


  1. I totally agree with you and you are right to worry about them! What I say to people who believe God will protect them from the virus is that God gave us the brains we have for a reason - use them!

  2. Yep, I hear what you're saying, Pat. Totally! If they got bit by a rabid animal, you'd better believe they'd head straight away to the doctor for a rabies series. I guess God can't be trusted with rabies?! It's my view that God gave us the vaccine, through the research of those He put on this earth for that purpose. But what do I know?! The Delta variant is seeking out those who feel like your grandson-in-law does.... and it will find him eventually. Or perhaps a stronger variant will. We can't change their minds, Pat, and worrying won't change anything either. Just let them live their lives and you live yours. You're protected and if you do catch the virus, statistics show you will not end up in the hospital nor die. ~Andrea xoxoxo

  3. Glad about the weather!!!!!!!!! It's better here too! Hooray for us!

    I have Cutter non-greasy 'dry' spray, for going outside. All flying, biting insects love me, all the time. Eeeek! LOL

    I am not religious, but do not agree with those who think everything is in the hands of some god. That being said, I can't do anything about their beliefs, so... Whatever...

    But your issue is with family. So this is different than my thoughts.

    Oh my Dear, these China Covid so-called vaccines are NOT, NOT, NOT anything like all the other vaccines we all have had forever!!!!!!

    Regular vaccines, we all have had forever, are dead or diminished virus, injected into us, which causes our body to create immunization to the big virus. We know, over years, that they work.

    These China Covid so-called-vaccines are not dead or diminished virus. They are Man Made Programs, injected into our bodies, which adhere to our cells and .... I can't go into the whole thing here...

    This is why the companies that make them, can not be sued, if they don't work, or if they cause side effects, which they have done.

    They are experimental and have never been injected into humans before.

    We got it, because we are in our 80's, and logically don't have strong immunity to things, at our age. Young healthy people do not need them.

    And I am glad we did not choose to get "the Jab" way back, when they were first given to older people, in the US. Those old folks, who got them, back in Jan. - Feb. have had them now for 6 months. And some are showing signs of not working any more!!!

    We got 'the Jab' now. 6 - 8 months, should get us through Christmas!!! -smile-



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