Tuesday, July 06, 2021

Late posting today

Tuesday our normal day for getting our groceries early in the morning.  We are up at 6:00 a.m. and at the store shortly after 7:00 a.m.  Arriving at the parking lot today, we were advised the store has gone back to regular pre Covid hours, so they are not opening until 8:00 a.m.  A quick trip home for a coffee and back again. Car full of things to eat and on our way home  within a couple of hours.

It is very hot and humid again today, and we don't know if it is the vaccination we had on Sunday combined with the weather but neither one of us is very ambitious today.  Lazy in fact, Hubby did have a nap, but that is one thing that I am unable to do...nap during the day.    Never had even when I was up all night with a sick little one years ago.

We made some "home made" Gypsy moth traps today, they are working very well.  We are doing our part to get rid of the infestation of these moths

I went to get our regular chicken for dinner today, however, I tried to put my car in gear and the gear shift would not move.  So I see a trip to the garage for some repair and a big hole in my bank account.

Dinner tonight, chicken rice and coleslaw,   strawberry shortcake for dessert.

1 comment:

  1. Oh man, Pat, a car that won't shift into gear!! *gasp* Cha-ching!$$$
    I hope the repair is more simple than it sounds... and not as expensive. And I'm sorry your store wasn't open when you arrived. 8am is so late to open, in my book too. ~Andrea xoxoxo


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