Monday, July 12, 2021

A cloudy week

We will not see the sun for a good week if the forecast is correct,  rain is possible every day.   Hope this soon ends, it is Summer, come on Mother Nature, get the season right. 

Lazy day yesterday,  Hubby watched golf, tennis and football., I went to a friends for a b-day get together.  It was nice to see several people that I had not seen in a long time.   Some of them had really changed, but they blamed being stuck at home during Covid  for some of their weight gain.  Had a nice visit.

What am I doing today not much really.  Cannot get anything done outside it is just too wet to get into the garden to pull some weeds, so they will have to wait.  Always something to do in the house and in my sewing studio, so that will be the order of the day, a tidy up in the house and some sewing.

I do have a task currently underway.  Copies of the magazines I get through  a subscription is getting higher and higher, so I have started to go through each copy,  taking out the things I want to save, putting them in plastic sleeves and then in a binder.  The magazines will then go to a charity shop, maybe someone else would like them.  Now we can go to the shops I can get rid of several boxes that have been waiting.

Dinner tonight, no sure really, must start doing something for it.

Have a great day. 


  1. We're having a lot of rain too, Pat. Not so much that I couldn't weed, as there's periods where the rain stops. But I'm struggling with motivation to do it. *bleh* I haven't been sleeping well so that may have something to do with it. Have a good afternoon~ Andrea xoxoxo

  2. Glad you enjoyed the birthday party. Great idea for the magazines and it cuts down on clutter too. Enjoy the day. Hugs!

  3. Ahhh yes, rain!

    Please see my 'Poor Pitiful Pearl' lament, on rain! -smile-

    It was hard not to console one's self, with food, during this miserable China Covid Pandemic. Even we, who do not go-go-go, got testy. So I feel for them. Me and my few extra pounds. -sigh-

    "I want to have a little house with sunshine on the floor, A chimney with a rosy hearth, and lilacs by the door..." ~Nancy Bird Turner


The world of white

In the city where I live we have been fortunate to receive only light dustings of snow, compared to places further north of me.  However, th...