Monday, July 05, 2021

Sunny hot & humid

Yesterday as well as today, there is a heat warning issued due to the high humidity and temp.   Yesterday, the clouds helped to keep things almost bearable as they blocked out the sun once in awhile.  Today, however, it a bit different no clouds.

Yesterday, Hubby and I were on a mission to find some things for the estate.   What were we looking for?  I have mentioned the caterpillars,  now it is the time for them to go into the pupa stage of their life.  When that is completed in 7 - 14 days, they will emerge as moths.  The females are unable to fly, however, the males can and go and seek out the females who then lays up to a thousand eggs.  They stay dormant until next Spring and then hatch into the caterpillars we currently have.  Info courtesy of Google.  Google also provided information regarding the capture of the male moths to stop the cycle,  so our hunt was to find and purchase the traps, as we had seen a couple of the male moths.  

After visiting three stores we were directed to a garden centre and that is where we found what we were looking for.  We also have a lot of Japanese Beetles this year too, so a trap also purchased for them.

By the time all of this driving around  had been done it was getting near to the time for our second COVID vaccination, so home to get our paperwork, after 3/4 hour  we were in the facility and out all done.  Now, it is much too late for us to prepare dinner, so we went out for something to eat.

I had a really nice day, Hubby cooked breakfast, we were out all day shopping, we had our shot,  no dinner prep for us,  a cool sit down on the balcony, some TV and bed.

 Our arms a hurting a little today which is expected but other than that we are both good.  Just chilling.

Dinner tonight, (I guess I should do something tonight)  BBQ ribs, salad, and lemon pie for dessert.



  1. Hello from the upper North East of the US. I popped over here, from a blog I newly follow. And I see you got your 2nd "Jab" today.

    I too got my 2nd, today. Both of us were to get them, by my husband has been fighting an awful tear duct eye infection, and we just didn't think it a good idea, to put the shot, on top of that. When his eye doc says he is all over the infection, he can just go to our pharmacy, and he can get it.

    So far, I have a bit of a sore arm, and I took a long nap this afternoon.

    Did not have much with the first one, either... Some sore arm and tiredness. Although at my age (83) I say... How would I know? I'm no 'ball of fire' at any time, now. -smile-

    And I see, you will be careful for 2 more weeks, after this one. We have been careful, from 1st to 2nd too.

    Actually, we are not go-go people, and staying home has not been hard. We do most groceries with Order and Pick Up outside store. Or when we need something in a store, we go when they open! Hardly any people there early.

    Best of all, we live next door to one son and his wonderful wife, and 'Grands.' They have gotten all we have needed, which was not a good idea for us to go get, all this long China/Covid time. We have been very lucky.

    Best of luck to you two, and to us!!!

    Gentle hugs,
    πŸ‘πŸ’›πŸ‘ πŸ‘πŸ’›πŸ‘

  2. Sounds like a good day and glad there are no side effects other than sore arms today! :)


Groundhog Day

Every February 2nd. here in Canada we have groundhog day.   A groundhog is a medium sized rodent about the size of a fat cat, with a short t...