Wednesday, July 07, 2021

Rain overnight

As we were settling in for the evening last night, the sky looked as if we were going to get the thunderstorms that were predicted, however, if we had a storm we did not hear it, so I am going to assume it was just rain.  The gauge is showing almost 1/2 inch.

This moisture is making it quite humid out there again today, however, as I write the clouds seem to be gathering again, so more rain could be coming.  Hope so, then I will not need to water again today.

We are still catching Gypsy moths in our traps, which hopefully with reduce the number of eggs that will be laid by the females, and thus help to stop the spread next year.

Hubby is out mowing the lawns at the present time, wants to get it done before it is too hot or it rains.

We both have more energy today, so we assume it was some side affect's from the vaccination.

An invitation to a 75th birthday was received yesterday, it is the birthday of a  friend who I have had for a long long time.  It is going to be outside, but just to be safe, as we are not fully immune for another week, we will be wearing our masks and only staying to have a chat, not for the entire three hours.  

I will be doing work inside today, there appears to be a lot that needs my attention, vacumming, dusting, etc. etc.  you know the routine.   Then I am going into my sewing studio and do some work in there, only when I am in there it is not work for me, as I enjoy it so much.   Need to start working on the quilt I am making for our bed.

Dinner tonight, there are several things on my mind, so should soon make a decision, dessert will be strawberries.   

Have a great day. 


  1. I'm glad you're still going to wear your masks to the b/d party, Pat. I just read an article today that said research is showing that the efficacy of the vaccination is now down to 64% due to the Delta variant... and they don't know what the efficacy will be against the more-virulent Lambka variant. I'm glad you & hubby feel better today. ~Andrea xoxoxo

    1. Cannot be too safe these days, so decided to wear it. Have not heard of the Lambka variant, where has that come from?
      I fear we are going to see these more and more, dread the thought.

  2. I agree that it's a good idea to still wear the masks, even outside when you're around a lot of people. Enjoy your day!

    1. I am always wearing my mask, not fully immune for a few days yet, but will continue after that too.
      Many new variants seem to be developing.

  3. How did you get hubby to mow the lawn?!! Ahh, I want to to learn this trick as my daughter and I usually do this. I had to sweep and mop the house this morning and will weed this evening. Having a thunderstorm now. So it is easy to pull weeds out of wet ground. Be safe at the birthday, mask, social distancing . It sounds unfriendly but Covid-19 is very friendly!

  4. He loves mowing the lawn...he has a lawn tractor he just needs to sit and steer it. He takes him two hours to cut all the grass he does. The trick, buy a lawn tractor. LOL
    We have storms today also.


The world of white

In the city where I live we have been fortunate to receive only light dustings of snow, compared to places further north of me.  However, th...