Friday, July 02, 2021

Quiet Canada Day

We had a quiet day for Canada Day. just relaxing.  

Apparently we had a thunderstorm a couple of nights ago, neither of us heard it, we must sleep like logs.  The only clue was it had rained and there was another 1/2 inch in the gauge, and my eldest daughter mentioned the storm.  Today is cool, mix of sun and cloud, nice day for working outside.

Hubby took the tractor tire to be repaired and then over to his daughters for some little chores there.

When my youngest daughter and son in law adopted their first daughter, the adoption agency sent them and five other parents to China in a group.  One other Grandma and myself also accompanied this group, that was back in 1998.  Since that time these six families have been having a yearly reunion and of course, the two grandma's were also included.  Over the years, I have been able to only miss three of these reunions, including the one last year due to covid.   However, by the time of the reunion, we will be fully vaccinated, it will be outside, under the number of people allowed to gather (at the present time) so...... the hotel is booked and we plan to go.  Keeping our fingers crossed everything will be the same or hopefully better.  Something to look forward to at the end of the month.

It is Friday, so fish for dinner, salmon  along with veg and salad.  Dessert, think I might skip that tonight.

Have a great day.


  1. Awwwww... that reunion sounds wonderful, Pat. We're an adoptive family too! :-) As you said, something to look forward to. ~Andrea xoxo

  2. The reunion sounds great, I hope everything goes as planned. I know you've been getting bored and restless so it will be nice to have the time away too! Have a great weekend. :)


The world of white

In the city where I live we have been fortunate to receive only light dustings of snow, compared to places further north of me.  However, th...