Sunday, March 19, 2023

Robins, cold

 Yesterday,  was cold but, we went for our walk anyway to an area we have not walked in this year.  The paths in this park are all cleared of snow, so it was an easy walk with a few snow covered areas.  We went there to see if we could spot the owl on her nest, however, there were so many old trees we did not find her.  After it started to snow had and we were covered in snow we decided to call it a day and go back another day to see if we could locate the tree.  The snow flurries continued most of the day, alternating with some sun, but still cold.  As it is again this morning.   

The only positive thing about the walk yesterday, was I saw robins, lots of robins, so the milder weather cannot be too far away.  First day of Spring tomorrow, that is another good sign, I hope.

Went to my eldest daughter's for dinner last night as she was have a meal for her grandson, daughter and son in law for all three of their birthdays, which all fall within a week of each other.   I had a great time, my great grand son who had his 13th birthday, received a new bike from grandparents, he is such a nice young man, so thoughtful and kind.  I am so glad my Granddaughter has taught all five of her children good manners, not many kids or young adults have any manners these days.   

Not much else happening here today, having roast beef for dinner.

Have a great day.


1 comment:

  1. Still cold here too but I'm hoping this may be winter's last hurrah. I'm sure you can take some credit for your g-g-son's good manners as the apple doesn't fall far from the tree!


The world of white

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